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Barbee May 17, 2009 07:52 AM

Frost advisory for tonight
Cincy folks,
I just saw on the news that we have a frost advisory for tonight. Cover those maters up if you have them planted.
I was discussing late frosts with someone at the plant swap. I think he jinxed us! I don't wanna name names so I'll just look to the west side and whistle :P

Wi-sunflower May 17, 2009 08:34 AM

You're probably getting the weather we had last nite/this morning.

We had a Frost warning for the whole south 1/2 of Wisconsin and Freeze warning for the top 1/2. Our big difference is most of my area is not past it's "safe planting date" yet.

In part because of the warning we didn't unload the truck when we got home from the market yesterday. We figured the plants were safer there than in the temp greenhouse that doesn't have any heating.

But it was 41* this morning by us when we got up. The TV is reporting that a few areas are in the 30s but it looks like it's more "scattered" and spotty than widespread.

So I would say, take precautions but don't fret too much, unless you are in a spot that tends to get that scattered stuff.


jerseyjohn61 May 17, 2009 12:42 PM

We are even expecting a morning low of 38 here in Central
New Jersey. Blanket your tenders warm tonight.


Barbee May 17, 2009 01:25 PM

I have some burlap sacks ready to cover the maters in the small cages. Will use a couple of big tarps for the big cages and I plan to throw all the potted stuff in a pile in the center of the deck and blanket them.
The weatherliar says 36 low for Cincy. Being out in the country, we usually see a bit colder temps.
This is late for a frost :(

eddie46 May 18, 2009 12:08 AM

Freez tonight in SW PA.


TZ-OH6 May 18, 2009 07:03 AM

Its 7AM and my lawn is coverd in tiny ice crystals. The only thing planted out are some of my peppers and they have a big blue tarp over them...hoping for the best.

VGary May 18, 2009 07:43 AM

Frost Warning!
Strange weather here as well. Late Friday afternoon I watched the weather reports as there was a severe weather alert. I have not planted my tomatoes and peppers in the ground yet because of all the rain. I knew there was possible hail with the storm and proceeded to place them under the picnic table and the benches and chair. The rain came and with it a very heavy down pour of hail the size of a quarter. All was protected!
I did have a very bad fall in the process landing on my left side and the left side of my face received abrasions. I was able to get on my hands and knees but unable to get up so crawled to the end of the picnic table and was able to pull myself up. Growing older certainly has its challenges.

newatthiskat May 18, 2009 08:26 AM

Sorry about the fall Gary!! Are you going to the dr today to get checked out? Sounds like it was pretty bad.

Barbee May 18, 2009 08:29 AM

Hope you feel better soon Gary. That sounds like it hurt :(
BTW, you're just as well not having your tomatoes/peppers planted. It's been too cold and wet for them to do anything but sit there. Mine look like crapola. I'm hoping they bounce out of it this week, as it's supposed to finally be nice!

Wi-sunflower May 18, 2009 10:32 AM

Ouch, it sounds like you guys got the cold worse than we did. We didn't have any frost by us Sunday morn, but THIS morn Hubby saw just a bit here and there, even tho the temps were higher today than yesterday. Goofy.

We are still about 2 weeks away from planting tender stuff out here. It's been wet and horribly windy around here all month so far.

Take care after that fall too. That stuff can linger if you don't take care of it. At the least try to take a nice hot bath to ease the aches.


BattleOfBennington May 18, 2009 11:49 AM

Here in Indiana -

Looks like the Beans, and Peppers did ok.

Jury still out on the tomatos

Looks like I will loose the Eggplants, squash and cucumbers.


This was an expensive frost.

[quote=Wi-sunflower;131107]Ouch, it sounds like you guys got the cold worse than we did. We didn't have any frost by us Sunday morn, but THIS morn Hubby saw just a bit here and there, even tho the temps were higher today than yesterday. Goofy.

We are still about 2 weeks away from planting tender stuff out here. It's been wet and horribly windy around here all month so far.

Take care after that fall too. That stuff can linger if you don't take care of it. At the least try to take a nice hot bath to ease the aches.


Barbee May 18, 2009 02:45 PM

Our frost was scattered and random. I found gobs of plastic pots and was able to cover all the maters with a big enough pot so no foliage touched the plastic. LoL, I guess it's a good thing I didn't get my little building cleaned out like the plan was ;)
So when I went to uncover the tomatoes this morning, they were happy as clams. Nice and toasty under there and they look the best they have since I planted them ;)
Enough of that stuff. Come on heat!

Earl May 18, 2009 07:28 PM

We didn't get any frost here on the eastern side of the Great Miami River valley on the high ground. I live on a ridge a few miles from the river. I think you folks are mistaken about the frost. Don't you know we're involved in a global warming not near record breaking low temps. :-) Sun spot activity is down or not happening right now; a cycle the sun goes through. Not sure if it's understood as to why the sun does it. That's why we have warm and cool periods. Kind of like cooking on a grill. You've got even flame and suddenly the meat drops some grease onto the flames and causes a flare up which causes things to warm up.

Gary, I hope you're doing ok after that nasty fall.

eddie46 May 18, 2009 09:41 PM

Frost again tonight in SW PA.


Mischka May 18, 2009 10:08 PM

Ditto for western and central Massachuetts, as well as northeast Connecticut.

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