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Earl November 14, 2008 08:35 PM

2009 Gardens Are Headed Our Way
If you take the 2 zeros out of 2009 you get 29 and if you stick 19 in front of 29 you get 1929 which was a very bad year. And they say history repeats itself. Everyone should plant more than tomatoes just in case groceries get scarce and sky high. :-)

I'm cooking tomato sauce tonight, from tomatoes of the last harvest before frost, mostly San Marzano. Probably 18 pint jars worth.

If you've already decided what you're going to plant in 09 I'll bet the list will change several times before March. I think my theme for 09 will be 'remembering those of yesteryear.' About time I regrew some of the 9s I've been forsaking these past few summers.

Stay warm. From what I understand the Earth has been cooling these last 10 years. Where's the Global Warming crowd during Winter when we need them the most to help keep us cheerful?

rnewste November 14, 2008 09:13 PM

Hey Earl,

Geez, I thought YOU were the eternal optimist among our group here.:panic:

My 93 year old dad tells me that it was actually 1932 through 1934 when things turned their bleakest - - not 1929.

Anyway, plant more tomatoes in 2009!!:D:D:D


Dukerdawg November 15, 2008 09:19 AM

Don't let the newspapers and media tell you how happy or unhappy you are supposed to be. Heck, when most folks were making a bazillion dollars in the early 90's I was plodding along just keeping my head above water. I imagine the next few years will be the same lord willing.

Try not to sink into despair. It doesn't help believe me.

Look for happiness in small everyday things. And like Ray said, 'grow more tomatoes'! If more people got their butts out of the recliner in front of the t.v. and did something....anything....including growing a small garden the world and America would be better off.


newatthiskat November 15, 2008 09:42 AM

I feel we need to start learning to go back to the "old ways" More self reliance. I work at a mental hospital and i hear that everything is someone elses fault so much it makes me sick. I am of the opinion that we prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Being prepared makes us accountable for ourselves vs going on welfare if something does go wrong. Just because we grow tons of tomato and nothing goes wrong does not make us a pacifest. It just means we get to eat the best pasta sauce in the world:yes:

Dukerdawg November 15, 2008 10:30 AM

Kat, do you think the place you work at would give a volume discount for us Tomatovillians? :twisted:

newatthiskat November 17, 2008 07:36 AM

Don't know
I don't know. Only one way to find out. Everyone can get together on "tomato business." Be sure everyone has some form of tomato shirt on. Pull tons of silly pranks then run around in the streets with hands in the air babbling incoherently. When the police come (and they will) tell them that the tomatos were talking to everyone and told you that if you didn't do these things then blight and pestulance would infect your garden. Be sure to stick that exact story with no changes. Be as loud as you want. I am guessing it would be a free feeling:lol: Just hope I am not your nurse because I am quick to medicate and can hit a moving target :twisted:

Earl November 18, 2008 09:14 PM

Haha! Hit a moving target! For the next 4 years you had better make your wallet a moving target that has stealth technology built into it. :-)

Next year the tax cut is going to revert back to 2001 rate which means that at least 2-4 thousand more will come out of YOUR paycheck if you make better than 40,000. Sorry for being so negative but the hand writing is on the wall. I'd rather be prepared than caught with my pants down. :-)

What has America come to? Our tax money is going to be welfare payments to pay for $18,000,000 a year for viagra for members of the largest union in the country? We just gave them $25 billion to retool. Now I really understand what "retool" means! Old saying says you can't get blood from a turnip, well that's wrong, us bunch of turnips that fell off the truck are going to be blead pretty darn good. Mark my words. Or should I say, "Highlight my words."

Grow more tomatoes! and other stuff too. Please, if you can, convince me I'm wrong. I need help. I feel like that Lil Abner character with the cloud over his head. Hopefully, in a couple years someone will revisit this thread and say, "See, Earl, you're an idiot for being such a worry wort." :-) I'm just worried about all of us.


newatthiskat November 19, 2008 01:57 AM

Earl we all are worried. The ecomony is bad. Giving in to worry is only going to make our blood pressure go up. Then we need antidepressents and blood pressure medications and those cost a fortune as well. But there are other ways to look at it. We could live in a third or fourth world country. We could face being killed because of our beliefs. If the worst thing that happens is I loose all my financial belongings, I am doing good. All I can say is been there done that. You live through it. I grew up poor. There were times that we didn't have electricity or water. We did not have a telephone at all. I got married at 15 to get away from the house (it was a dangerous enviornment and I will leave it at that). Then my husband who works his butt off started a company. We had house, pool, very expensive sports car. I was about 22 at the time. We lost everything because the partner stole all the money. Now we are holding on due to medical bills. Taxes are going to go up. No way around it, but like I said, what doesn't kill you makes you grow. My father grew up in the depression. Others lived through the dust bowl. Lets not mention the plague that wiped out tons of people then there is the small pox epidemc? Polio? Spanish inquisition, Holocost? Bring on the taxes!!! Worst case senerio is we have a tea party in the harbor.
PS celibrated 26 years of marriage to the same man this past October.

Earl November 21, 2008 07:48 PM

Kat, I hear you. But sometimes it's hard to keep a positive attitude humming along. The value of our house has dropped 30 or so percent in the last few months, eating up 10 years of payments. Those Administrations and Congressmen-women who forced the banks to make those bad loans, I'm sure their houses are paid for. I reckon I'm just mad as h$ll that we elect such idiots. We is our own worst enemy, as Pogo said. It appears that in general the country doesn't give a dam about the coming generations. If we Americans of today had to backup and take on WWII, we'd all be Nazi's right now. We may be speaking Chinese or Russian in a few years.

I came into the world without anything, guess I'll be leaving it the same way. I grew up under hardtimes too--40's-50's. When we got down to the last piece of fried fatback, Ma would tie a string on it, so if one of us kids swallowed it she'd pull it back out and pass it on to the next one. Being the youngest at the time, when it came my turn it was always well chewed. But I never would eat possum. :-)

Me and my better half had our 26 last April 3rd.

rnewste November 21, 2008 10:57 PM

Hey Earl, Buck up!! There is a re-ordering of the World going on today equalizing out the excesses in the U.S. with the "buy it now, pay later in next year" mindset that has become systemic in our culture.

Tomatovillians (is that a word?) seem to be pragmatic folk who will figure out how to be self-sufficient and survive hardship that is now pervasive. I only offer you this one photo of my grandson (in "germination") as evidence that hope springs eternal.



Dukerdawg November 22, 2008 09:33 AM

Nice perspective Ray. Maybe the next generation can clean up our mess and I hope they don't cuss us out too bad, but I can't say I would blame them. Congrats on the forthcoming addition to the family!


newatthiskat November 22, 2008 09:54 AM

:lol: Ray he looks just like you!

amideutch November 22, 2008 11:12 AM

Kat, you saw the mustache too!!! Ami

rnewste November 22, 2008 07:16 PM

[quote=amideutch;112466]Kat, you saw the mustache too!!! Ami[/quote]

Ami, I don't think Kat was referring to the [I]"mustache"[/I].:)):)):)):))


VGary November 22, 2008 08:32 PM

Anticipating Rosalina Newstead's arrival.....
[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]Congratulations Papa Ray and Family; I am certain Rosalina will be loved and cared for well!![/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][B]Our son and his wife are also expecting in mid March with a dear daughter. Nothing like having children nearby to share our love and hope and plans for the future! Keep us posted! Just think in another year or so you will have a little garden "helper" in the tomato patch![/B][/SIZE]

annecros November 23, 2008 06:35 AM

Well, another new Granny here! We just learned this week that our daughter is pregnant, and her baby is due in July! First Grandchild.

newatthiskat November 23, 2008 10:45 AM

OK Ray there are so many responses to that, but for a change I am going to keep my mouth shut!;)
Grandmommy by 2X.
Earl my granddaughter is 2 and one of her first words were tomato. She likes helping me water and pick them. YEA! cheap labor. Does that count against child labor laws?:lol:

Mischka November 23, 2008 02:37 PM

[quote=annecros;112511]Well, another new Granny here! We just learned this week that our daughter is pregnant, and her baby is due in July! First Grandchild.[/quote]

[quote=rnewste;112433] I only offer you this one photo of my grandson (in "germination") as evidence that hope springs eternal.


Congratulations! :D

Earl November 24, 2008 08:58 PM

Git real, Ray, that's his leg. :-)

newatthiskat November 25, 2008 09:40 AM

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . good one Earl.

tomatoaddict November 27, 2008 09:24 AM

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That is a precious photo Ray:yes: Touched my heart.
All I can say about todays world is that no matter what, I have my family and the tomatoes. When things feel tough, I can be surrounded by the people I love or I go out to the chair I set in the middle of my tomato forest, and am surrounded by my tomato children.
Kat, I bet if more people grew tomatoes there would be less need for psych wards.:P

newatthiskat November 28, 2008 01:28 AM

Tomatoaddict I agree with that comment. Most are concerned with getting their social security checks. There are some who really can not work (I do feel bad for them). Then you have an 18 y/o boy come in asking how to get signed up for social security it just drives me bonkers. Even though I am not allowed to say it, I am thinking that if you had to work for a living 10-16 hour days then you would not find time to threaten people with suicide, cutting yourself, or just out and doing drugs ruining your mind. You just don't have time to think about it, and if you still have time, then get some hobbies (like growing tomatoes). Once again I am not talking about the truly suicidal people here. Just the ones that are doing it in an attention seeking manner. This is our tax dollar at work Earl. But then again, who else but a person working in psych can legally tie people to a bed in a bodynet and shoot them up? Pluses and minuses in every job:twisted: . Just a word of advise to all tomatovillians. Cannibis and formaldehyde? There is a reason it is called Fry! Alot of my patients lately have come from this combo. Hopefully the most we sniff here is cow or horse manure.

Miss_Mudcat December 6, 2008 01:09 PM

Long time no see everyone! Thought I'd stop by and say HELLO! I am expecting my 6th baby on Valentine's Day. Life is Good, or as good as you make it!

Hope, indeed, springs eternal. That always reminds me of the poem....

[SIZE=2]Hope springs eternal in the human breast;[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Man never Is, but always To be blest:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Rests and expatiates in a life to come.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2]-Alexander Pope,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][I]An Essay on Man, Epistle I[/I], 1733 [/SIZE]

tahmato February 15, 2009 06:05 PM

congrats to those of you who have been married for a long time. Not an easy thing to do.
yeah a grandbaby on the way ! what a fun time .
My Fil tells the stories of when Oh was on the ration stamps ? during the war. MIL would trade her food stamps for the shoe stamps. Are they called stamps ?
FIL and his mom sold plants in there Green house in OH they were famous for there peonies. Some are still growing on church rd in New Carlisle .
Simplicity is a concept not many think of .
we are trying it here with our family.
Funny its not as easy as it looks ?

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