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jhouse July 2, 2019 04:53 PM

Preventing disease transmission between plants
I was just wondering what other people do, when working with their tomato plants, to prevent spreading disease from plant to plant?

I know I shouldn't work with the plants when they are wet, and I use a jar of alcohol to dip pruners in, but what about hands?

In the past I've used Clorox wipes. . just interested in what anyone else is doing :)

bbjm July 2, 2019 05:41 PM

I'm interested in responses. I spray my pruners with a bleach spray between plants. I try not to touch the plant with my hand or clipper handles, but that can be very hard to do. If the plant is obviously diseased -- I've gotten early blight the last 4 years and had speck or spot disease on one plant (a Sungold) last year -- I carry a damp paper towel with Dawn on it to wipe my hand between plants. I'm careful not to prune wet plants because I read on here that disease will readily transfer to wet leaves.


slugworth July 2, 2019 08:40 PM

Lack of weeding because of the heat, I have grass growing around the plants that is starting to get tall (the kind you have to mow)
and noticed the grass is getting diseased instead of the plants.I will collect grass clippings to mulch instead of the growing grass eventually.
That was interesting.One year the grass grew really tall and was taller than the plants,we had a frost and the grass protected the plants from the frost.
Some of the plants are crowded like a jungle,the rest have the proper spacing.
No sign of blight yet but I did see some SER stem end rot where the stem dries up and the tomato falls off.1st time I ever had that.

zipcode July 3, 2019 03:39 AM

One can prune with just gloves. I don't use pruners (I do actually, to harvest, since those stems on beefsteaks are usually super hard to break otherwise). It's mostly bacterial wilt or fusarium that one has to worry about. If those are not in your area you can pretty much do what you want, leaf diseases will spread just fine anyway in the right conditions.

brownrexx July 3, 2019 09:27 AM

I use pruners to remove branches with Early blight and I never disinfect the pruners or my hands. The spores are spread through the soil anyway so I just cut off the offending branches and dispose of them.

I have never noticed that I was spreading EB. Some of my plants seem to get it and sometimes ones right next to them don't. Sun Sugar is always the first one to show EB.

jhouse July 3, 2019 09:29 AM

That's interesting Brownrexx!

brownrexx July 3, 2019 12:09 PM

jhouse when I am pruning I am cutting the branches with the affected leaves. I am not actually touching the leaves where the spores may be located. The way I see it, the branches themselves have no blight so why would I need to disinfect the pruners?

I try to be careful not to shake the cut branches around in case they are bearing spores, but that is all that I do.

jtjmartin July 3, 2019 10:51 PM

I prune most of the time with my bare hands but rarely cleanse them. If I need to use my pruners I carry a pair and squirt the blades down with a Clorox mix in an old Windex spray bottle and let them air dry.

Seems to work.


Old chef July 3, 2019 11:55 PM

I have a large bottle of hand sanitizer. For both hands and pruners

Old chef

jhouse July 15, 2019 10:04 AM

thanks all. I've settled on Clorox wipes and/or isopropyl alcohol in a jar for pruning blades. I might seem overly concerned about blight but have had a bad issues with it in the past.

Even with our wet/warm/humid conditions, so far no blight. I haven't gardened in maybe 3 years, and this year sprayed early & regularly with chlorythalonil, (hate to spray but I know how bad it gets). Also pruning for ventilation. I even planted my row in different direction to catch the wind for each plant, since it usually blows from one direction, thinking the leaves drying more quickly might help.
So perhaps the blight had a chance to die out of the soil after 3 years, or the preventative measures worked. . .

I'm preparing myself to see some blight at some point, just being realistic, but so far so good. It's nice to get this far into the season without it anyway.

bower July 15, 2019 08:41 PM

I try to pick a dry sunny day to prune, and do it early so they have a few afternoon hours for the pruning cuts to dry, especially if I have to prune large stems.
If I have to prune off diseased leaves I use a bucket or bag to get the sporey parts down into before moving down the row. Getting them out of a tight space, it's important to have it contained. I use my hands to take off leaves and don't worry about sanitizer unless I put my hand right into the spores (which I generally avoid doing).

Same with pruners, I will avoid cutting into a rotten or diseased part, instead prune above it, if at all possible - in this case I don't bother to sanitize them between cuts either.

If I have to prune large stems (as opposed to suckers, branches, leaves) I always dip the pruners in household bleach before cutting. I found that it made a big difference to getting the cut to heal without developing any mold or blight. Even a healthy stem has a much better chance to heal clean and stay healthy (in our humid climate) if the cut is with freshly dipped pruners.
We don't have bacterial blight though, which I hear is easy to spread by hand. In that case, hand sanitizer of some kind makes sense.

shatbox July 21, 2019 01:46 AM

I use the Joe Gardener method of alcohol (he uses a spray but I use wipes) and briefly heating with a lighter. The process hasn't failed me yet.

Guavatone July 28, 2019 08:40 PM

Thanks for bringing this question up Jhouse. I got to the brink of frustration with my diseased plants so I started paranoia protocol of spraying pruners between plants with diluted bleach. I think it’s better in my situation. Also, started washing my hands more between plants and putting leaves in trash bag. But, I think I was creating more disease by overspraying and creating a damp environment.

Are there diagrams that show the spore sites on plants?

jhouse July 28, 2019 11:11 PM

Shatbox, isn't that a bit dangerous with alcohol and flame?

A damp environment is a problem for sure. I'm trying to be realistic this year, without getting too paranoid about things. Was blight free and just saw a tiny bit on one plant yesterday -- I snipped it and got it out of the garden. I know where my situation goes if I do nothing, and probably had a lot in my soil from not spraying in the past. Considering our wet/humid spring & summer, I seem ti be doing something right this year to have kept it at bay so far. We'll see what happens.

I do think i've over pruned, my plants still look okay (if sparse) and will probably forgive me. I guess this is my year to learn to prune for ventilation, which sounds simple enough until faced with a tangle of green and trying to figure what's going on. I saw some videos where folks were not pruning their grape/cherry tomatoes, kind of thought about that until mine exploded into crazy growth.
Now I'm on those "suckers" :)

jtjmartin July 29, 2019 05:48 PM

I've changed too over the last couple of years. I'm bagging all my tomato and squash debris - everything else is composted.

I have Clorox sprayed my pruners between plants for years now - but was not so hot at washing my hands much in the garden. Now I disinfect them with alcohol lotion in the garden.

Thanks to T-ville advice!

jhouse July 29, 2019 07:59 PM

I'm wondering if a bleach solution is better for the pruning shears between cuts/plants is better than the spray bottle of 91% isoproply alcohol I'm using. . .the internet will drive you crazy with conflicting information! One thing mentioned was alcohol works more quickly, but other places I read it's not as effective. . .

Guavatone July 29, 2019 10:41 PM

My unscientific impression (from an engineer) would be bleach being a better disinfectant. Alcohol does dry quicker, which may not be good if the disease would out last the quick drying time of the the high alcohol content.

Using bleach on my shears and hand washing seems to decreased my infections by 50% ish.

But I am sure some more experienced TomatoVillians could say more

shatbox July 30, 2019 12:49 AM

I use convenient alcohol pads to physically remove contaminants and hit it with heat; I don't find 70% to be dangerously flammable. Besides the water in it makes it more effective at penetrating cell walls than higher concentrations.

Bleach kills spores better than alcohol. No one mentioned hydrogen peroxide, but its effective too.
[URL=""]This CDC page has great info[/URL]

I think its the [URL=""]one-two punch of chemical and heat[/URL] (PDF)

@jhouse good topic! :)

jhouse July 30, 2019 09:17 AM

I think I'll switch to bleach solution!

I read that also, Shatbox, that 70% is better than 91%. But, it seems bleach might be best for me. Lil tough on the shears tho.
I like Clorox wipes, they seem a little tough on the hands. Maybe it'll toughen them up :)

shule1 July 31, 2019 12:54 AM

Prevention is sometimes the best policy. I understand maybe it can't be prevented very easily in extra humid gardens, though.

Here's what I like to do if I'm trying hard to avoid the plants getting diseased:

1. I start my plants outdoors in a small, unheated greenhouse. They had a lot more disease issues later in the season when I started them indoors. All that fresh air and natural sunlight must be good for them. If you do start indoors, I recommend air circulation, and never use outdoor soil indoors.
2. I avoid buying plants. I start from seed. Store-bought plants sometimes carry pests and/or diseases, although they can do just fine still. I'm not against buying plants (but if I'm trying hard to avoid diseases avoiding buying plants may reduce the risk).
3. I make sure the pre-transplant plants are strong and that they have plenty of the nutrients they need.
4. I zap seeds I plant in water with a Z4EX before drying or planting.
5. I don't worry about it too much. I think this helps a lot, honestly. Getting worked up over a diseased plant or a disease that might develop in future can sometimes cause more problems than it solves. I mean, sometimes it's not even a disease. I tossed my biggest Paul Robeson plant just because it had edema once (before I knew what edema was). It seemed to be contagious, and scary at the time, but it's pretty harmless. Don't get me wrong, diseases can wreak havoc sometimes, but don't let them control you if you can help it. You can live and learn from what happens. If you never just relax you may never learn the times when you can safely do so.
6. Don't plant tomatoes next to ground cherries. (Ground cherries can harbor spider mites, which may take an interest in nearby tomatoes. Spider mites can spread anthracnose, I believe.)

Anyway, yeah, this isn't meant to take away from what others have said. Most people here probably have more experience than me with dealing with tomato diseases.

jhouse July 31, 2019 11:44 AM

That sounds wise Shule1.

For what it's worth, I was about to buy a container of Chlorox wipes last night, and then saw on the label "bleach free". ? So apparently it will kill germs and virus, who knows regarding fungal spores. . .

On a positive note, I haven't had a cold in quite awhile. . .

bower July 31, 2019 03:08 PM


On a positive note, I haven't had a cold in quite awhile. . .[/QUOTE]

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