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Tania January 1, 2007 10:58 PM

Your best memories... of last summer harvest...
I think I am already having tomato dreams... :roll: :shock:

Here is my favorite -

What's yours? :D :wink:

sliphorn January 2, 2007 12:03 AM

Beautiful photo, I'm having tomato dreams too.
My Persimmon was excellent, as was Livingstons Golden Queen, and Emerald Evergreen was mighty tasty. Sioux pumped 'em out all summer and never let me down. But my favorite was Black Cherry from TGS. In fact it will be the only repeat from last years twelve or so varieties I grew. I can't wait.

Rena January 2, 2007 01:18 AM

Like visions of sugarplums? Green Giant, Mennonite orange, Russian Green with some sunshine cherries on top................

Mantis January 2, 2007 01:38 AM

If you look in the Summer Harvest post just below this one you will see that us downunderers are living the dream HE HEE HE

sliphorn January 2, 2007 09:49 AM

Brutal Mantis, just brutal. :P

montanamato January 2, 2007 10:42 AM

Third attempt finally paid off....I remember the most incredible Cherokee Purple....So good, we ate it w/o bacon on a sandwich....The plant then went on to set 28 fruit, of course, most of those ripened inside after frost...

Also missing Dubok, Polish and Japanese Dwarfs, whenever I have a salad...


patty_b January 2, 2007 11:34 AM

There are some favorites of 2006 mixed in among these pics.......just happened they all didn't ripen at the same time for their photo's!

Cecilia_MD7a January 9, 2007 01:27 PM

Not specifically my own harvest, but my fondest tomato memory of last summer is MAGTAG. I was so anxious about the festival, and it turned out to be a wonderful success. Great tomatoes, great (other) food, and great people - what more can anybody ask! I'm looking forward to and even bigger, better MAGTAG 2007!

nctomatoman January 9, 2007 01:42 PM

For me, it was getting the F1 growout part of the Dwarf project up and running - documenting the plants I grew, being delighted in, especially, Sleazy A, Sneezy and Witty (all delicious), posting updates - it far exceeded any joy I experienced in the overall results of my tomato growing. Secondary to that was enjoying with my wife the boutiful crop of eggplant and sweet peppers.

Right now, it is the amazing things being discovered in the Dwarf F2 growouts that is reenergizing me to start thinking gardening thoughts again....and I suspect it will be the continuation of that project, through growing out the new F1s, my own saved F2s, and as many of the interesting finds coming to me as F3 seeds from our SH friends that will be the highlight of 07!

giardiniere January 9, 2007 02:36 PM

My best memories are just the pure enjoyment I had in growing heirlooms. Last year was the the first year that I've really been interested in growing O.P. tomatoes. I've waded in during past summers..... but last year, with the advice and assistance of my new friends here at Tomatoville, I plunged right in. It was without a doubt, the most fun I've ever had in the garden.
I had my failures :( (i.e. Cuostralee and Box Car Willie), and my successes :) (Traveler, German Red Strawberry, Earls Faux), but I probably learned just as much, if not more from the mistakes.
I can hardly wait to get started again.

Tomstrees January 9, 2007 02:43 PM

For Tomatoes:

Grandpa Willie

Large Amish Paste

Black from Tula

Toms Yellow Wonder (working Name)

Pink Potato Top


Cherokee Purple

All very great varieites ~

As for person 2006 "great-happenings" ?

1. Got Engaged ~
2. Dad caught Striper of a lifetime ~
3. Trip to Crete & Athens Greece ...

~ Tom

giardiniere January 9, 2007 04:05 PM


I did a "double take" under your great happenings of 2006. Number 2 made me laugh until I realized that you wrote striper instead of stripper... and then I laughed some more.

Tomstrees January 9, 2007 04:08 PM

Dave ~ lol ~


~ :wink: ~ Tom

travis January 9, 2007 04:38 PM

Is that a styrofoam replica ... or does Mr. Waxer, Sr.
do a lotta heavyweight curls :shock:

I mean, I realize it's only about 35 pounds there ...
But considerin' how long it takes you to snap a photo
with that ol' box Kodak Brownie you've been usin' ...


dcarch January 9, 2007 05:32 PM

[quote=Papa Vic]Is that a styrofoam replica ... or does Mr. Waxer, Sr.
do a lotta heavyweight curls :shock:

I mean, I realize it's only about 35 pounds there ...
But considerin' how long it takes you to snap a photo
with that ol' box Kodak Brownie you've been usin' ...

No. It's not Styrofoam. It's inflatable! :arrow: :lol:


travis January 9, 2007 05:57 PM

Hmmm ... 12-ounce curls seem to have done the trick just fine :P


bizzarbazzar January 9, 2007 07:33 PM

Welcome back Tom, I thought it said stripper as well and had to do a double take....I thought I missed something about a bachelor party ....

My tomato memory was "finally" having a yard (ok several yards) to be able to grow as many plants as I want. I fell in love many varieties and tasted my 1st real Brandywine. Another favorite was Mortgage Lifter (radiator charliestrain)

Another favorite tomato memory, has been meeting and sharing with many people on this site. I have met many wonderful people here, and am thrilled to be a part of the Tomatoville family....

Tomstrees January 9, 2007 08:11 PM

Thanks H ~ lol ~
I always forget how to spell it ~ ~

Fish on Papa ~

~ Tom

me ? chunky ... Dad ? Lean Cuisine ~ lol


when you find him ; let me know ~

dcarch - he did get a kick out of that pic ~

Suze January 9, 2007 08:15 PM

me ? chunky ... Dad ? Lean Cuisine ~ lol[/quote]

Are you still doing the vegetarian thing? :P

Welcome back!

bizzarbazzar January 9, 2007 08:17 PM


I want that guys Monkfish....badly, did you know that it tastes like lobster? YUMMM. You vegetarian now Tom? I don't do beef or pork...since I was 8....

Bitwise Gamgee January 9, 2007 08:34 PM

Kellog's Breakfast.

First time I grew it and it greatly exceeded my expectations. My most tasty tomato from last year!

Tomstrees January 10, 2007 10:21 AM

I didn't want to Trump this
thread more than we already have, lol ~
I added some pics to my "greece" thread in
convo section ~


bizzarbazzar January 10, 2007 02:52 PM

Thank you! I will have to check it out....

cecilsgarden1958 January 10, 2007 07:42 PM

I had far more disappointments then
good but here they are....

Bucks County

and obvious lack of pests. Basically nothing but 1-2 slugs, 2 tomato worms and some really really late white flies, that were non threatening.


Sorellina January 11, 2007 08:53 PM

Ciao all,

You mean apart from Bully's crosses? We had TONS of oblate red cherries that were supposed to be Aunt Gertie's Gold (very yummy and Munchkin loved that these were deemed 'free choice' munchies), red saladettes that were supposed to be Galina's, and yellow beefsteaks that were supposed to be Earl's Faux. All were excellent and we had a lot of fun with them.

Of the things that were what they were meant to be, I'd say Berkeley Tie Dye, when it finally ripened was a show-stopper and WONDERFUL flavour, Grub's Mystery Green after the first couple of watery ones was a fantastic and extremely healthy tomato, and Orange Strawberry amazed me all summer with its dense flesh and burst of flavour.

I also had a great time sending Craig coin envelopes bursting at the seams with Happy seeds.

Earl January 11, 2007 09:27 PM

The CHOPTAG TASTE FEST was one. Got to meet up with old friends and meet a lot of new ones. On the homefront eating tried and true tomatoes and trying new ones such as Grub's Mystery Green, Green Giant, Novikov's Giant, Mountaineer Mystery, Kentucky Heirloom, Granny Cantrell's German Red, Anaras Noir, Puruvian Bush and Mexico Midget. And Mischka starting Tomatoville! :-)

jenn_sc January 12, 2007 08:19 AM

Tomatopalooza was my highlight of last summer :wink:


carolyn137 January 12, 2007 09:53 AM

My highlights of summer 2006 were lowlights the way I saw it. :lol:

I can grow only about 15 plants now and as most of you know I have to rely on others to plant and water and weed and care for and harvest them, except for Sara's Galapagos which I always grow in a large pot where I can get to it with my walker; that is, at the base of the steps leading up to the wrap around deck.

And I had Kimberly in a pot nearby.

Horrible season, quite frankly and I'm not sure why.

I guess the highlight was being able to get lots of seeds from Sara's Galapagos and Mama Leone and a fair number of fruits from Aker's West Virginia and KBX ( a PL Kellogg's Breakfast).

You have no idea how getting such low fruit production bugged me b'c sheesh, I'm the only one eating the darn things since neither of my cat kids are so predisposed.

You know it was BAD when I bought some hybrid fruits at the produce stand I love so much for fresh veggies and fruit and which I can drive to during the summer. :evil:

On the upside that self same produce stand, which is quite large, also sells baked goods and cheeses and lots of other interesting goodies including fresh made gourmet type salads.

So maybe I should say that the highlight of the summer season was the pine nut/dried tomato/brown rice salad they sold. :lol:

PaulF January 12, 2007 10:37 AM

My first full season after removing myself from the daily grind and living in a new location was filled with triumphs and "issues" as the old working folks used to say instead of my word for it....problems. Starting over getting the dirt in shape is a real issue.

Triumphs include being closer to the Midwest Tomato Fest people and introducing heirloom tomatoes to people in the area who have never considered heirlooms. Because of my love of heirlooms and gardening in general, some people seem to think I know more than I do. I was asked to give heirloom tomato presentations several times in the summer and fall. The local newspaper has asked me to write a monthly gardening column (the first was published last week). A couple of local greenhouses will now sell heirloom tomatoes and several of my friends are asking me to grow tomato seedlings for them. We may have a trend toward heirloom tomatoes here in the mostly hybrid tomato growing area.

obispo45 January 13, 2007 11:20 PM

I really think I need to get out fishing more this year... which inevitably leads to 12oz curls...LOl. At least I've essentially quit golfing AKA "a good walk spoiled" for my love of the garden. Or in my case in 2006 I transformed myself into a small scale farmer, or so I've been told by others, farmers included. Never been happier in my life!!
Way to go Paul!! Wish you much fun and many future success', same goes for everyone else too.

2006 was my best year yet without question, though my overall experience is rather limited in scope. Highlights have to be virtually anything regarding chiles, some offtype Speckled Romans, German Red Strawberry, Gregori's Altai and a bunch of hybrid sweet pepper cultivars. More importantly in my opinion I began to connect with other like minded folks, both locally and abroad and have created what will hopefully be lifelong friendships filled with abundant good times and tall tales!

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