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mdvpc July 4, 2006 04:02 PM

Anyone grow 2 cucumber plants in a 5 gallon grow bag?
I am growing diva and poona keera (spellings may not be right) in 5 gallon grow bags-got the seed from Johnnys. Put the seed in the grow bag on Saturday, and germination already today. I am testing to see if I can grow 2 plants, instead of 1 in a 5 gallon grow bag. Any opinions? Should I thin to 1 plant or take a chance?

Gimme3 July 4, 2006 05:29 PM wont work. you gon end up havin a very brief Flush of Growth, initial fuit set, followed by a stunted plant(s), that shrivel up, an a 5 gallon bag full of roots. Have tried dont even work well w/ONE plant...much less 2.

Best wishes....there's Better ways...friend...)))

mdvpc July 4, 2006 05:50 PM

Gimme-thanks for your opinion on this-growing cukes in this hot desert southwest is a challenge under any circumstances. All the best.

feldon30 July 4, 2006 06:13 PM

Have you tried a 15 gallon [url=]self-watering container[/url]?

mdvpc July 4, 2006 06:19 PM

Feldon-watering is not my problem-I am on a drip system. My cukes for this year, in a 15 gallon container were wasted by pesticide drift from my neighbor-also wasted a lot of my tomato plants. So I started some toms, eggplant and cukes in another area, and have used 5 gallon for eggplant and tomatoes successfully-like red brandywine this year.

feldon30 July 5, 2006 11:19 AM

Have you talked to the neighbor? Or is he/she likely to end up on [url=]The Neighbors From[/url]?

mdvpc July 5, 2006 12:31 PM

Feldon-I have and they are going to try and make sure it doesnt happen again. They are very nice people and good friends. I see you are in Houston-thats where I went to school. I can imagine there are difficulties growing tomatoes there with the high humidity.

spudleafwillie July 5, 2006 04:18 PM

cukes in grow bags or containers
I grow Boothby Blonde cukes in a 18 gal rubbermaid container with no problems. I use the same soil mix as for my tomatoes plus a couple of shovelfuls of well rotted goat manure and 2 gallons of peat moss.

Cukes like a soil rich in organic matter. Watering daily and fertilizing is the same as for my maters with a gallon of 1/2 strength 5-20-20 fertilizer weekly. I plant 6 plants/container and keep the strongest 4 plants.

Each container yields about 3-4 cukes every day and 30-40 5" long cukes over the growing season.

mdvpc August 5, 2006 10:57 AM

Since starting this thread, I cut one plant out and have one plant of each in the 5 gallon grow bag. I am starting to get fruit set. Here is a photo. Bushy charbonosky (sp?) dwarf tomato is in the middle, just getting started.


carolyn137 August 5, 2006 01:45 PM


I'm growing some cukes in pots out back and I had someone plant the seeds the same way I would if I were growing them inground.

And that means, plant 5 seeds and thin to the strongest three and these pots are not even five gallon, I don't think.

And they are thriving. I have Cool Breeze in one and Miniature White in another one.

The longer vining ones such as Suyo Long and my Serpent ones are at one end of the raised bed. However, Karen got some seed mixed up and also planted some Sunburst squash seeds there and if any of you have ever grown that one you know the plants get huge.

So all I'm saying is that I have 3 cuke plants/pot of less than 5 gal size and all is well. But they are somewhat short vining varieties. But Poona Kheera doesn't have huge long vines either and I haven'grown Diva.

mdvpc August 5, 2006 02:39 PM

Carolyn-Good to see you are back on your feet. Glad that you have a garden this year. Lets report back when we start to get some ripe cukes! Are you growing 3 plants in each container?

carolyn137 August 5, 2006 06:30 PM

(So all I'm saying is that I have 3 cuke plants/pot)

Yes, as I said above I'm growing three plants/pot.

I've been on my feet, in the walker, since the day after surgery , June 1.

But you know I just couldn't be without something being grown. Martha, gardenmama sent up some beautiful plants from VA., of ones that I had chosen, and when Mischka drove over here from MA in late May he brought a couple as well and I got him to plant them all. :lol:

And Karen is the person who cleans for me each week and is really more than jsut a cleaning lady, and she's the one who planted the seeds of squash and cukes after Freda , who does my lawn, and more, dumped out all of the pots and mixed half compost and half topsoil and refilled them. My brother had put all compost in them which made them dry out too fast.

They keep the stuff weeded and watered as well as they can and I'm also dependent on Karen to harvest stuff and bring it inside.

mdvpc August 5, 2006 06:57 PM

So lets report back on how these cukes do. I am also growing 5 diva in a 15 gallon container-they germinated in 4 days.

mdvpc August 17, 2006 09:24 AM

Diva is setting lots of fruit, same with Poona Kheera. Have tasted Poona Kheera and its very, very good-almost sweet, complex tasting. Have harvested 3 of them the last week. Plants look great.

mdvpc August 27, 2006 01:35 PM

Update in case any one is interested-Have been harvesting usually one Poona Kheera and one Diva a day for the last 10 days or so. They are both very good, different in taste. Still lots of fruit developing. I have put Espoma Tomato Tone in the 5 gallon container.

feldon30 March 16, 2007 05:43 PM

I'm going to unearth this thread because it has some interesting info. ;)

I have a 15 gallon pot that is 16" high and 23" across. I am mixing up about 1/2 Pro-Mix and 1/2 pine bark. I will also apply some Espoma TomatoTone.

I have 2 seedlings of Straight Eight in a 4" pot. Suze advised me to cull one seedling rather than trying to separate the two.

Then I will be sowing seeds of Lemon Cucumber and Poona Kheera. I will be placing a 4' x 8' trellis in the pot and hopefully that's enough for 3 plants in a 15 gallon pot. :)

Advice is always welcome.

mdvpc March 16, 2007 06:22 PM

Feldon-in my growing area, you would be fine-you can train them up a cage or wall or buy one of those thingies to do so. Getting them off the ground is good.

Suze March 18, 2007 12:53 AM

[quote=feldon30;50135]I will be placing a 4' x 8' trellis in the pot and hopefully that's enough for 3 plants in a 15 gallon pot.[/quote]

Sounds good, but just be aware that this container will become rather top heavy when loaded up with cucumbers and has the potential to tip in storms. Is it possible to attach it somehow to an object that doesn't move, like a fence?

feldon30 March 18, 2007 10:13 AM

I got my 4' x 7' frame built and added. Yes, it's quite big. ;) It's secured very tightly to the pot with heavy wire. Now I just have to string the trellis.

[URL=""] [IMG][/IMG][/URL]
[URL=""]Click for Larger Size[/URL]

Maybe I should have put some bricks in the bottom of the pot. ;)

I guess I could hammer a steel stake into the ground through the pot into the ground.

Suze March 18, 2007 02:52 PM

Hmmm. You'd better secure that thing. ;)

Driving a stake through the pot into the ground might work. I still think it needs to be close to a permanent structure, like a wall or a fence. If you have a covered patio area, one thing you could do is lash it to one of the supporting beams.

MsCowpea March 27, 2007 01:06 AM

Here's how Disney gets them off the ground. Poles and heavy wire. Pot is 50 gallon. One plant per pot. They are shooting for World Record in cucumber production from one plant.


mdvpc March 27, 2007 08:44 AM

Ms-Fascinating photo-thanks for posting it. Gives one a lot of ideas, eh? :D Anyone trellis their cukes? I never have, I just cage them.

MsCowpea March 27, 2007 11:05 AM

Michael, it was very interesting to see. Of course they do the tomatoes like that too--you have probably seen photos of it. They hold the Guin. World Record on tomato production with one plant.

((These shots were taken duing the 'backstage' tour of their exhibit called THE LAND --gets you right up close in their greenhouses. Definately worth the extra $10 for the ticket.))

I ALWAYS have trouble with cucumbers as I don't spray with any regularity so I was really inspired to keep trying.


Warren June 17, 2007 01:45 AM

[quote=MsCowpea;51912]Here's how Disney gets them off the ground. Poles and heavy wire. Pot is 50 gallon. One plant per pot. They are shooting for World Record in cucumber production from one plant.

wow that is so cool. I wish I had that. :) I wonder what type of plant that is.

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