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snappybob October 13, 2009 02:30 PM

Gary Ibsen's Tomato Fest
Does anyone have any experience with [B]Gary Ibsen's Tomato Fest. [/B]They seem to have a lot of products and a really nice webpage but when doing a search on Tomatoville I come up with nothing.

oc tony October 13, 2009 02:44 PM

There are three different threads for tomato fest under the plant and seed source in the garden forum index (the first page that pops up after logging in). Two of them are on the second page and the third one is on the third page.

carolyn137 October 13, 2009 06:05 PM

[quote=snappybob;145943]Does anyone have any experience with [B]Gary Ibsen's Tomato Fest. [/B]They seem to have a lot of products and a really nice webpage but when doing a search on Tomatoville I come up with nothing.[/quote]

Gary is no longer doing his annual Tomatofest and I think that may also be posted at his website.

If you mean just buying seeds from Tomatofest octony has told you where to look. The past few years there has been some problems with trueness of some varieties, but considering the number of varieties offered it's small, and no place offering OP seed has a perfect record on that score.

One of the threads at the top of this Forum also lists many more seeds sources and there are threads here for many of the ones that folks seem to prefer.

Hope that helps.

cjeanhall October 25, 2009 02:54 PM

[quote=snappybob;145943]Does anyone have any experience with [B]Gary Ibsen's Tomato Fest. [/B]They seem to have a lot of products and a really nice webpage but when doing a search on Tomatoville I come up with nothing.[/quote]
I buy most of my seeds from them with great results.

gardenfrog October 26, 2009 09:09 AM

Gary's Tomatofest is a great opportunity to try some good varieties. I've actually had the pleasure of trading with him, and have found him truly interested in diversity. The pictures of his varieties are listed on his website for your reference. Purchase with confidence from him and you'll be purchasing from a man who loves the hobby!

goodwin October 31, 2009 10:00 PM

I have found several of his named varieties to be very similar to well-known tomatoes.

TZ-OH6 November 1, 2009 10:02 AM

I've had enough mixed seed and poor germination that I can't recommend Tomatofest.

gardenfrog November 1, 2009 12:54 PM

Maybe that's why he isn't doing the Tomatofest anymore. Anyway, I've grown a tomato blest by Clint Eastwood! : )

michelle8 December 4, 2009 11:02 AM

Thanks for the information!

beefyboy December 5, 2009 11:58 AM

Bakers creek heirloom seeds can stretch the truth too, just look at the Black Brandywine story!!! lol

travis December 5, 2009 01:19 PM

There's plenty of hyperbole and trick photography to go around in nearly all of the heirloom tomato seed vendors. Sandhill Preservation and Victory Seeds are two that don't get all glossy and overstate reality.

olstinker February 7, 2010 12:50 AM

I hate for this to be my 1st post but since I just got an order from them... I won't be ordering from them again. My order was incomplete and getting in touch with them doesn't seem possible.

brokenbar February 7, 2010 08:46 AM

I have not bought from them for a couple of years. I had 3 out of 9 varieties come up wrong (a beefsteak that was a cherry...:x )
On the other hand, I have had very good results buying from Marriana's heirloom seeds (both on her website and from the Yearbook.)

I am always a little leery when seeds "have a story" or a name I have never heard of...many times that means someone has changed the name of a variety to something more clever. Having grown nothing but paste/dry/few-seeded/oxheart varieties for more than 10 years, I am familiar with most varieties available (not all but most.) I admit ignorance on the "general" tomato population.

I have also had excellent results buying from yearbook growers...I think most are very conscientious. And don't get me started on tomato photos...

JulieTA February 9, 2010 05:35 PM

Ugh...I've done all my orders through Bakers Creek and SSE, but two nights ago in a fit of insomnia...I placed an order with Gary Ibsen's site for some varieties I couldn't find. Drat. I can't take the chance of having varieties come up incorrectly--I sell through my business. Drat, drat, drat...again.

Thanks for the warning! I would be mortified if a customer ended up with the wrong plant...

mtbigfish February 9, 2010 07:09 PM

I have never had untrue seed from Tomatofest seeds but about 3 years ago I did hear of a few - I think he had students working there via a school program - happy with Tomatofest seeds but not the big commercialized Tomatofest just like Mischka - I think he was finally overwhelmed with it and is going to just stick with his seed business - and selling tomatoes

As far as Mischka says I agree on price gouging - yes Gary Ibsen charges $3.95 for some varieties - and some about the same as other sites when # seeds is compared - his sale seeds at usually $2 per pack is a good deal 35-40+ seeds- that is what I usually do is fill in my list - and some of his $2.95 packs sometimes last years seeds but you can ask ahead - he has always been prompt at answering emails -

Tomatofest does tend to rename a few tomatoes which have have different names - but I have seen other sites also -

I give all vendors I try a few chances and if they do not perform then they are off my list -

Heirloom seeds is one with slow shipping etc and I have had untrue seed - last year I received some seeds ordered in Jan in May - that's ridiculous

Heirloom Acres shorted me last Jan and 2 weeks ago I finally got a refund - he did substitute 3 varieties also from now on I am going to make sure he doesn't do that with varieties I do not want - otherwise happy with Heirloom acres

Happy with TomatoFest!!!


mtbigfish March 16, 2010 07:54 PM

Well I did have what I thought was an untrue seed.
In my order I had Alicante which I find is usually listed as RL - mine came up all PL so I disgarded and let Gary know last night in an email.
I also had a pack of Hezhou that was short on seeds. He usually sends 35-40+ and at $2 on sale is great and at $2.95 reg is not bad for 40 seeds.

Anyway this morning received email and Gary told me their Alicante has always been PL however he sent me new packs of both and within a few hours.

This is the kind of sevice that is beyond what I expect

Gary has spent too much time on the TomatoFest show for the last 17 years and paid $$ out of his own pocket to keep it going, but as others have said he threw in the towel and is spending has time on his seed/tomato business now.

I still highly recommend Gary for service coutesy and pricing is ok for sale $2 for 35-40+seeds and med priced seeds $2.95 for 35-40+ seeds.

So I still have not received seeds that were not true yet.


heirloomdaddy March 16, 2010 11:24 PM

I ordered from Tomatofest this year for all of my varieties. I have had excellent germination, even in cold temps, vigorous plants, excellent communication via email, and large amounts of seed per pack. I agree that it's not cheap, but he has such an immense selection and it is convenient to not purchase from a dozen places. He also threw in a bonus pack. I'll order from him again assuming that a bunch of off-types don't pop up.

DanishGardener March 17, 2010 04:30 AM

I bought seeds from them last year. I had excellent germination and all came true to variety. They also sent me 3 (or was it 4?) bonus packs.

This year, allmost all the seeds still have a germination % close to 100%.

And even though they are expensive compared to other US seed companies, they are still cheap by danish standards. Tomato seeds usually costs between 3.7 - 5.4 $ here in Denmark.

mtbigfish March 18, 2010 06:19 PM

I received my replacement seeds today - one which was really Tomatofest count shortage - the other my fault for tossing - he even threw in [SIZE=2]Thieneman's Australian Heart - I am a happy camper[/SIZE]

whistler March 19, 2010 01:59 PM

I purchased several times from TF this season (before I learned on Tomatoville that there were other, less expensive seed sources). Here's my assessment of TF:

- They are expensive...
+ Each time, I was sent a different free packet of seeds. Other companies have sent the same free seed variety in multiple orders.
- Each time, it took about 2 weeks to get the seeds.
- I couldn't find an email address or phone # to contact them when I wanted to combine 2 shipments, and they didn't follow my comments on the second shipment to do so, but everything arrived in time for seed starting since I ordered in January.
+ Germination so far looks fine.
+/- Seed counts in packets looked about right, but were not overpacked like some of the other seed vendors I used this season.
+ Their website is nice with photos for everything and a summary box with size, color, and days / season.
- The packets are all the same - the only specific info about the variety is the name sticker on the front of the packet.
- The packets are "recloseable" with stickum on the lip. It doesn't reclose very well, so I ended up taping it anyway, and you can get seeds stuck on the stickum when you are trying to get them out of the packet.

Overall, I will probably order from them again, but only for hard to find varieties or for their sale ($2) packets, and I will make sure to order early.

Dixcreek April 30, 2010 02:51 PM

Tomato Fest has some really high prices, much higher than I can afford, Victory Seed is a good source, they don't have as big of a variety of seeds but they are true to the cause of seed saving, Baker creek is also a good source they are flashy and a bit high on some items but I have found their seed to be as advertised. There are many good sources out there you just have to do your research and roll the dice every once in a while. I am a grower, seller, and seed saver of heirloom and open pollinated varieties of veggies, I have dealt with many companies and found that like in all aspects of life there are good as well as bad. just a suggestion look into the seedsavers exchange web site and their membership sources, I have found these to be very accurate over the years. :dizzy:

carolyn137 April 30, 2010 03:11 PM

[quote=Dixcreek;167179]Tomato Fest has some really high prices, much higher than I can afford, Victory Seed is a good source, they don't have as big of a variety of seeds but they are true to the cause of seed saving, Baker creek is also a good source they are flashy and a bit high on some items but I have found their seed to be as advertised. There are many good sources out there you just have to do your research and roll the dice every once in a while. I am a grower, seller, and seed saver of heirloom and open pollinated varieties of veggies, I have dealt with many companies and found that like in all aspects of life there are good as well as bad. just a suggestion look into the seedsavers exchange web site and their membership sources, I have found these to be very accurate over the years. :dizzy:[/quote]

Dixie, welcome, and have you had a chance to look at the seed sources in the sticky at the top of this Forum?

Aside from the ones you mention I'll stongly add Sandhill Preservation. mariseeds, and now Glecker's newly revived as well as several others.

Since I grow only heirloom varieties, for the most part, I save my own seeds and get new varieties from a variety of sources other than commercial seed sources. And I make a free seed offer here each year, or have to date, with no trades wanted. And of course list in the SSE YEarbook, so I'm quite dedicated to presrvation of OP varieties, and not just tomatoes.;)

But I've been posting online about tomatoes since 1989 so have a lot of feedback on what I think are among the best. For several years I did a wrong varieties thread at another message site which was very interesting indeed.

I'm not sure what you mean by your last sentence where you say to look at the SSE site " and their membership sources". Are you saying look into a membership or are you referring to the SSE Public catalog/website?

I've been a member of SSE for over 20 years and a Lifetime member as well, and I've made many wonderful friends in that way, aside from a common interest in heirloom tomatoes.:)

bigbubbacain April 30, 2010 09:03 PM

My results with TomatoFest have always been mixed. Varieties that were promised to be vigorous were not. The ones that were promised to be flavorful, were not. There's nothing on this site that I can't find elsewhere, and if I haven't heard of it, I'll ask those of you here. AND....if none of you have heard of it, I leave it alone.

On a side note, I've been totally elated with the seeds that I've found elsewhere-- especially the ones that I've traded for, or even got for free! It's humbling to have an amazing tomato come from seed that someone was willing to give me without even requesting so much as a self addressed stamped envelope from me.

Dixcreek May 1, 2010 02:13 PM

Actually I was referring to both, Really want to get others into the work that SSE does and hope that folks will take a look and hopefully join the noble cause. I have admired your work for a number of years and enjoyed the article in the SSe spring book. I use some of your recommedations and suggestions in my small business. I currently sell over 100 varieties of tomato plants as well as 50 plus pepper types (95% of tomatoes are heirlooms and open pollinates. once again thanks for you comments and your work. best wishes and good health to you

tedln May 2, 2010 10:51 PM

I think Gary Ibsen has treated me well. After reading this post, I'm feeling a little insecure.

I ordered Cuostralee (thank you Dr. Male), Cherokee Purple, and Black Krim from him a couple of weeks ago. Before ordering, I sent him an email inquiring if any would require back ordering since it is so late in the season. I received a personal email response from Gary within a few hours telling me all three were in stock. I ordered them and received them in a very timely manner. After dealing with some other vendors who I thought were way over priced, I found Gary's prices to be reasonable. He also promised 30 seed per pack. I didn't count every seed in six packs, but it sure looked like at least 30 seeds per pack. He also included a couple of bonus packs of seed I didn't order but look very interesting. I did look at the seed in each pack and the seed in each pack looked different from the seed in the other packs. The seed in each pack did look the same as the other seed in the same packs. I don't expect any mislabeled seed, but I may be wrong.

Before I ordered the Cuostralee seed from Gary, I had ordered some from another "reputable" vendor. Most of their seed count was stated in grams. I wanted to make sure I got enough so I ordered three packs of Cuostralee. I think I had a total count of about 30 seed from three packs. 10 seed per pack. Of the 30 seed received, only four germinated while other varieties germinated at the same time at almost 100%. I decided to not try the Cuostralee again because the variety obviously had a low germination rate. Another gardener told me his Cuostralee germinated at almost 100%. I then ordered the seed from Gary. Since I have already planted the four Cuostralee that did germinate, I will not be germinating any of the seed from Gary until spring of next year. I will be germinating and planting the Cherokee Purple and Black Krim within a month and will soon know if Gary's seed is any good. I expect everything to be fine.


333.okh May 13, 2010 11:56 PM

Great! I ordered Black from Tula, Hawaiian Currant, Azoychka, Caspian Pink, and Iildi from Gary. They are all growing, so we will have to see what I actually have!

heirloomdaddy May 14, 2010 12:12 PM

true seds
Granted I have yet to see if all my plants are true to type, I think it's a little silly that Gary gets a bad rap. Of 32 plants and 20 varieties, communication was great, delivery was speedy, extra seeds were thrown-in, germination was great, and leaf types are true. We'll see about the fruit soon.

I understand frustration with plants not being true, and agree that he isn't the cheapest in town. That being said, I think he does the best job around with regards to selection, description, and quality of his site. Plus, he has TONS of seeds at $2 per pack. Assuming that everything is kosher, I'll gladly use him again.

Granite26 May 14, 2010 12:31 PM

I appreciate the TomatoFest website, service and seed. I have had good luck with what I purchased.
Ok last year one pack sent was wrong...stuff happens...I ordered a bunch of varieties.
Quantity of seed in packs is great.

DanishGardener May 19, 2010 05:44 AM

I may have to reevaluate my view on Tomatofest, I can see already that two of the varieties i ordered from them are wrong - Amana Orange and Amish Red.
Amana Orange are setting paste/plum type fruits, and Amish Red is setting globe shaped fruits... :evil:

I only ordered like 10 or 12 varieties from them, so this is already pretty bad!

remy May 19, 2010 08:14 AM

And even though they are expensive compared to other US seed companies, they are still cheap by danish standards. Tomato seeds usually costs between 3.7 - 5.4 $ here in Denmark.[/quote]
Is it the same in Sweden?

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