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Raymondo August 7, 2009 07:47 AM

Galina's Yellow x Snow White F1
I did the cross last season and grew out a single F1 plant over our winter just for seed. Well, to eat as well I guess. And boy are they good. An excellent blend of the best flavour qualities of each of the parents.

Patrina_Pepperina December 28, 2009 05:10 AM

Looking forward to tasting them too Ray! Just picked this truss today ;)


Patrina_Pepperina December 31, 2009 09:22 AM

Ray I LOVE this hybrid! It's not quite as sweet as I recall Snow White being, but it has nuances of Sungold yet is less funky (and in my opinion is a better flavour than Sungold). The tomatoes don't look as "gold" in reality as this photo suggests, but the skin is definitely gold when the fruit is very ripe compared to the yellow flesh. It's easily 8.5/10 for me. :D


Linda10 December 31, 2009 02:45 PM

This one looks fabulous. Are you going to carry it out to F2 and beyond? Also, do you have a name planned for your favorite selection? I'll gladly volunteer to carry it out in our spring if you like.

Raymondo January 1, 2010 10:15 PM

Glad you like it PP. It is a nice hybrid. I should try out the other Galina's Yellow crosses I did. There'd be some interesting material in their offspring.

Linda, I've got 10 F2 plants in this season and picked the first fruit just yesterday. Not ripe yet though. I chose to only grow PL plants for no other reason than I like the foliage. I'd be happy to send you some F1 and F2 seeds for you to try. You can do with them what you like. Make your own selection(s). With Australia's strict import requirements on tomato seed, movement into Australia is problematic at best. There are no export restrictions though. PM me your postal details if interested.

Linda10 January 1, 2010 11:01 PM

Ray, thank you so much. I've sent you a PM.

Raymondo January 2, 2010 02:45 AM

Hmmm ... PP, did you mean Galina's Yellow above, rather than Sun Gold?

Linda10 February 26, 2010 06:58 PM


I planted seeds of Galina's Yellow X Snow White F1 and F2 on Feb 24, 2010. Will report here on germination, etc.

You also sent me seed of Galina's Yellow x Black Krim F1 which I planted on Feb 24th. Do you want me to report on that in this thread or do you want to start a new one?

Thank you again. I'm looking forward to these.

carolyn137 February 27, 2010 09:47 AM


I planted seeds of Galina's Yellow X Snow White F1 and F2 on Feb 24, 2010. Will report here on germination, etc.

You also sent me seed of Galina's Yellow x Black Krim F1 which I planted on Feb 24th. Do you want me to report on that in this thread or do you want to start a new one?

Thank you again. I'm looking forward to these.[/quote]

Aha, the cross between Galina's and Black Krim has been done before, many years ago by Steve Draper who was then living in Utah, the one who named the variety Dr. Carolyn.

Steve sent me 4 F1 seeds, I sowed all 4 seeds b'c of course there was no need to b'c all 4 plants should have been identical as to fruits and plant habit, etc., and they were.

But with saved F2 seeds I had problems. I could not get any gene segregation and twice I planted out about 12 plants per season, and then I moved to my present location and never pursued it. The plants from the F2 seeds were scrawny looking things, I can tell you that.

I did save F3 seeds and my memory says that I might have even offered them in a seed offer long ago, and my memory also tells me that someone did get some segregation but I don't remember what is was.

From that first experience with Galina as newly brought back from Siberia by Bill McDorman showed subsequently, I think there's something a bit strange about Galina genetics.

To recap. I saved seeds from Galina, planted out several the next year, got no plants that were PL and plants that each had different colored cherries of red, or yellow or pink or the ivory one I initially called Ivory mutant, not knowing what I was dealing with. At the same time Steve Draper was having the same instability problem with Galina and asked me to send the best of what I had, which was the ivory one which he loved and named Dr. Carolyn.

Dr. Carolyn was not initially stable either and threw some red fruited plants and some pink fruited plants and the SSE person who sent me the pink ones had named it Dr. Carolyn pink, and that to this day can give plants with pink fruits the size of the Dr. C fruits and plants that have much larger pink cherries, and I mentioned this at several places and also in my SSE blurb when I listed it there.

So then Dr. C mutated to the GW ripe called Green Doctors, and now GD has mutated via the epidermis gene from yellow to clear to give what's called Green Doctors Frosted, a clear skin green when ripe.

I'm not sure what comes next, but I still think that the Galina that Steve and I worked with back then, and probably maybe for some even today, has weird genetics.;)

So with the Galina X Black Krim I hope anyone working with the F2 seeds gets more and better gene segregation than I did.:)

Linda10 February 27, 2010 02:24 PM

Thanks for that information, Carolyn. I'll keep a sharp eye on these and report back with that in mind. Just what I need, another problem child!:lol:

akgardengirl February 28, 2010 12:26 AM

I also planted these and the Galina x Black Krim from Ray on Feb. 23rd. As of today, 3 out of ? have come up. I planted all the seeds he sent but didn't count them as he said they should be regular leaf. I will see how many regular leaf plants I get after they are all up.

Linda10 March 17, 2010 11:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm so glad to see someone else growing these so we can compare notes. I can't believe we planted them a day apart!

Gal x Sn White F1 germ=100% (4 of 4) in 4 days, all RL
Gal x Sn White F2 germ=80% (8 of 10) in 4 days, 4 RL, 4PL

Gal x Blk Krim F1 germ=50% (2 of 4) in 4 days, 1 RL, 1 headless, no picture yet

salix March 18, 2010 12:26 AM

Will she be called Snow Gal ?

akgardengirl March 18, 2010 02:11 AM

I had the 3 plants, Galina x Black Krim, come up but one was potato leaf so I pulled it. Mine sure don't look as big/bushy as yours do but they are coming along ok. I'll take some pictures when I transplant into 4" pots. They are still in their cubies.

akgardengirl March 18, 2010 02:12 AM

That is a great name for the cross.

salix March 18, 2010 03:18 AM

Thanks, Sue - it sure beats Yellow Snow!!

carolyn137 March 18, 2010 09:33 AM

I wish I knew what Joe Bratka used to develop Snow White and Ghost and Rabbit and Super Snow White, but I don't b/c he never told me, actually I don't think I ever asked.

But it seems to me he would have to start with at least one parent being Mirabell or Mirabelle Blanche or possibly Coyote or even a white currant b'c I know that he used currants in his breeding b'c he said he thought that the crosses took more easily.

And I'm embarrassed to say that a couple of months ago he e-mailed me and before he never had a computer, but I suppose I could ask him if it makes any difference to you folks working with that cross. I just haven't gotten back to him after my first response to him saying I'd get back to him, and haven't. Sigh. But I also know that he may tell me nothing.

So let me know if you want me to try, if you think it might help.

Linda10 March 18, 2010 01:45 PM

[I]"Mine sure don't look as big/bushy as yours...."[/I] Sue, if you click on that picture to enlarge you'll see that each pot has 4 plants in it to separate the RL from the PL, so not as bushy as they might appear. I will transplant again later and decide at that time how many of each I am able to grow out.

Carolyn, with 50% PL and 50% RL in the F2, do you think it is possible that Snow White is a Cc RL? Would this mean that one of the parents of Snow White was potato leaf? I am not very good at genetics.

carolyn137 March 18, 2010 02:52 PM

[quote=Linda10;161808][I]"Mine sure don't look as big/bushy as yours...."[/I] Sue, if you click on that picture to enlarge you'll see that each pot has 4 plants in it to separate the RL from the PL, so not as bushy as they might appear. I will transplant again later and decide at that time how many of each I am able to grow out.

Carolyn, with 50% PL and 50% RL in the F2, do you think it is possible that Snow White is a Cc RL? Would this mean that one of the parents of Snow White was potato leaf? I am not very good at genetics.[/quote]

Linda, if you look at Tania's Offtype thread I just went through this with a couple of posts.

OK, back to SW X Galina's before I forget which cross is being discussed.

Galina is cc, no problem with that

Snow White is RL, so could be either CC or Cc

if SW is CC genotype, then CC X cc Galina's and all should be RL

If SW is Cc genotype, then Cc X cc Galina's gives 1/2 PL and 1/RL

Which is what I think you'r getting, I didn't go back to check.

So if we assume that SW is Cc, then does it suggest that one of the parents of SW, if joe used only two parents, which we don't know, was PL, then no, we can't predict the parents of SW b/c it could have come from the following cross:

Cc X Cc, two RL parents, both heterozygous for leaf form and both RL, no PL parent b/c:

C c


c Cc cc

where 3/4 could be RL and 1/4 PL and 2/4 will be Cc

CC X CC gives all RL
CC X Cc gives all RL
cc X cc gives all PL
Cc X CC also could be two RL's that could give 2/4 Cc RL's and no PL parent
CC X cc gives all RL's

It's all statistical. In the post I just did for Tania in the off type thread I discussed how I got no genetic segregation from the F2 seeds of Black Krim X Galina's and that after growing out 12 plants in each of two seasons. No leaf form differences and no fruit differences.

I then concluded by saying that moms know they have a 50% chance of having a boy child, but tell that to the mom who has had 4 girl kids one after the other.;)

Summary: If Snow White is Cc one can't conclude that a parent was PL b'c there's more than one way to get a Cc genotype and both parents could be RL and have that happen.

Linda10 March 18, 2010 04:40 PM

Very nice explanation, Carolyn. I went back to find the other thread you were talking about and read that too. Thank you.

I hope that the Galina X Black Krim F2 seeds (from the F1 I am growing this season) have more segregation than what you got. I don't have room to grow too many of them!

lefty_logan March 29, 2010 12:05 AM

I started 3 f3 seeds today.

Linda10 March 31, 2010 03:16 PM

[B]Galina's Yellow X Snow White F2:[/B]
March 30, 2010 - planted 3 RL and 4 PL plants outside, along with one RL F1.

[B]Galina's Yellow X Black Krim F1:[/B]
March 30, 2010 - planted one RL F1 plant outside.

akgardengirl April 12, 2010 06:38 PM

I am also growing out both and the leaves of the Galina x Black Krim are pretty pale green compared to other tomato seedlings. How do your seedlings look?

Linda10 April 12, 2010 07:36 PM

Sue, I just went out to the garden to check. It looks the same as all the plants around it. I'll be posting a report tomorrow with pictures if it is not raining.

Linda10 April 13, 2010 08:17 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Okay, Sue, here is the promised report with pictures.

[B]Galina's Yellow X Snow White F2:[/B]

April 13, 2010 - 3 RL F2 plants
Plant RL1 - 16" tall, has small open flowers (right side)
Plant RL2 is 9" tall (middle)
Plant RL3 is 11" tall (left side)

April 13, 2010 - 4 PL F2 plants
Plant PL1 - 11" tall (right side)
Plant PL2 - 8" tall (left side)
Plant PL3 - 10" tall
Plant PL4 - 9 " tall

[B]Galina's Yellow X Snow White F1:[/B]
April 13, 2010 - One RL F1 plant, 12" tall so far, no flowers

[B]Galina's Yellow X Black Krim F1:[/B]
April 13, 2010 - One RL F1 plant, 13" tall so far, one set of flowers (not open yet)

akgardengirl April 13, 2010 11:24 PM

Thanks Linda...they look real good. I am envious of your big plants and your nice tomato growing weather. I am still at least 5 weeks from putting anything outdoors and then it will be in pots.

Linda10 May 2, 2010 03:34 PM

[B]Galina's Yellow X Black Krim F1:
[/B]April 28, 2010: fruit set

[B]Galina's Yellow X Snow White F2:
[/B]April 21, 2010: fruit set on RL1

Vince May 7, 2010 01:46 AM

Linda I like straw also(previous pics). As mentioned when I saw you last friday that stuff is a chiken magnet! After going to my mom's last weekend I realized there was at least a 50% atrition rate for things planted outside the fenced raised beds. Darn chickens.....however, you can't beat fresh free range eggs! no pun intended.

Linda10 May 7, 2010 01:53 AM

LOL, Vince. I know what you mean! Enjoyed your visit.

Linda10 July 19, 2010 03:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
[B]Galina's Yellow X Snow White F1:[/B]
Plant was very vigorous, giving an abundance of yellow-gold fruit at 0.2 to 0.3 oz. Yellow epidermis. Flavor started out at 7.2 in cooler spring, but increased to 8.0 this week with warm weather. This is a very nice hybrid.
Galina's Yellow X Snow White F2:
[/B]RL #1 gave fruit the color of Snow White (which is pale yellow here) with clear epidermis and averaged 0.2 oz each. Flavor was average. Plant was vigorous.

RL #2 died early in the season.

RL #3 gave yellow-gold fruit averaging 0.2 oz each. This one looked the closest to the the F1, but flavor was not there.

PL #1 gave the smallest fruit, averaging 0.05 oz each with average flavor and yellow color.

PL #2 gave yellow fruit at 0.1 to 0.2 oz in size. Average flavor.

PL #3 gave gold fruit at 0.2 oz, but had below average flavor.

PL #4 was my favorite. It was pure yellow with yellow epidermis and pale flesh. It also had the largest fruit at 0.3 oz. This was the best tasting of F2's but it still wasn't as good as the F1. I rated it at about 7.4 this week.

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