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jungseed November 10, 2009 11:59 AM

2010 TT catalog
I have just been handed a 2010 Totally tomato catalog printers proof copy. I'm entering "new" item information for the website. I tried to talk the boss into turning on the new website a week before the print catalog goes out. But I hear the print catalog will start going out the end of this week. So I better hurry up with the new items so the website can be turned on by the time the first people get their print catalog.
There are a couple of new items I think I will try.

Blueaussi November 10, 2009 12:02 PM

Evil! Evil! Taunting us that way!

Yes, yes, I know patience is a virtue, it's just not one of mine.

mjc November 10, 2009 12:10 PM

/me...blows whistle...15 yard penalty for taunting!

I'm waiting...

jungseed November 10, 2009 04:31 PM

ok - I'm sorry.... But,

I have to admit - everything else I wanted to put in the first post or this one will either upset (not my first choice of word to be used there) someone on Tomatoville or get me fired from my winter job. Was having trouble choosing which way to go so I gave up.

mjc November 10, 2009 04:38 PM

We want...we want...

I've been a TT buyer for a few years now. I usually order online, so I'd better not pester you too much...just promise us it will be ready soon?

jungseed November 13, 2009 02:21 PM

OK - the 2010 website is now up. If you find anything wrong, it's my fault. You can email me or just feel free to yell at me, whichever makes you happy.

P.S We are still waiting for a couple of pictures, they should be here in the next week or so.

Blueaussi November 13, 2009 02:44 PM

Yay! Garden pr0n!

mjc November 13, 2009 02:51 PM

Looks good...didn't notice anything glaring in my quick run through.

disneynut1977 November 13, 2009 04:57 PM

Hey, I went through it quick and noticed all the hybrid Brandy's are listed as determinates? Is that true?


sfmathews November 13, 2009 05:12 PM

I thought Japanese Black Triefle was an OP?:?!?: However, it's listed in Hybrids.

Mischka November 13, 2009 08:32 PM

[quote=sfmathews;147741]I thought Japanese Black Triefle was an OP?:?!?: However, it's listed in Hybrids.[/quote]

Sounds like a typo, since it is indeed an open pollinated variety. ;)

travis November 13, 2009 11:04 PM

Very nice online catalog.

jungseed November 16, 2009 08:18 AM

Thanks everyone. The Brandymaster Hybrids are all indeterminate and the Japanese Black Trifele is an OP. I have the corrections made and will run an update so those items are corrected online.

Thanks again,

dice November 24, 2009 02:16 PM

I noticed that the online catalog still shows Campbells 1327
(in Tomato Seeds, Medium-Large, Heirloom), while the paper
catalog has Campbells 33 instead.

Are both available, or is one listing an oversight?

Mischka November 24, 2009 02:39 PM

:dance: My catalog arrived today - can't wait to dig into it!

jungseed November 24, 2009 02:50 PM

wow dice, did you open a can of worms. So far no agreement as to which it is supposed to be and who messed this up.
I do think it will be Campbell's 1327 when everything is said and done as that is what was packaged for that item number. I'll let you know for sure when they tell me to either change the internet or make a note of a catalog error.


travis November 24, 2009 04:50 PM

Still waiting patiently while browsing Stokes, SSE, Twilleys and Pinetree.

carolyn137 November 24, 2009 06:19 PM

Got my TT and VT Bean seed catalogs yesterday but haven' had time to even look at them.

And that's b'c the last great tennis event of the season is on at London, and well where they are so am I. And I'm not moving around much either b'c last Thursday I was sitting here at my computer chair and reached far to my left to look for a specific SSE Yearbook and heard a loud snap somewhere in my left thorax. If I'd broken a rib I think I'd know it so I think it's a tendon or muscle pull, whatever, so I'm just gulping 800 mg ibuprofens, trying not to cough or to blow my nose, LOL, which makes the pain worse, and hoping it goes away.

Cataologs to date:

Vt bean

.... and more to come except since I don't buy that much seed these days I know some are not going to send me their catalogs.

I could, however, list the foodie catalogs I've received. I keep those in a separate pile and every now and then pick them up and salivate all over the pages.

Ruth, I'll take a look at the TT when I get a chance which might not be ASAP.

travis November 24, 2009 07:10 PM

Spoke too soon. Found TotallyTomatoes, Vermont Bean and Veseys in the box this afternoon.

Jungseed, what the devil is Brandymaster Hybrid? Is that like Brandy Boy II with yellow, pink and red options?

dice November 24, 2009 07:25 PM

Campbell's 1327 is probably right. That one is well known in the
US heirloom/OP tomato community and one that you had last
year. The only references that Google finds for Campbell's 33
are all from outside the US and do not include any substantial
commercial vendors.

[Carolyn: a "pulled muscle" or tendon I was told long ago
by a sports medicine student is usually breakage of a
calcium-magnesium bond between muscle and tendon.
Sufficient protein and cal-mag sources in the diet may
speed up healing.]

carolyn137 November 24, 2009 09:24 PM

[quote=dice;148518]Campbell's 1327 is probably right. That one is well known in the
US heirloom/OP tomato community and one that you had last
year. The only references that Google finds for Campbell's 33
are all from outside the US and do not include any substantial
commercial vendors.

[Carolyn: a "pulled muscle" or tendon I was told long ago
by a sports medicine student is usually breakage of a
calcium-magnesium bond between muscle and tendon.
Sufficient protein and cal-mag sources in the diet may
speed up healing.][/quote]

Thanks for the advice Dice. Protein level is fine and I try to keep the Ca++ low b'c of my K stone problem, calium oxalate xstals, but what the heck, I'll up it for the short term to see if it helps.:)

Barbee November 25, 2009 06:39 AM

Got my TT and VT Bean seed catalogs yesterday but haven' had time to even look at them

Me too! I glanced thru both quickly this morning. The TT photos are mouthwatering. My first time getting Vermont Bean so looking forward to digging into this one.

jungseed November 25, 2009 09:25 AM

On page 23, it is really the Campbells 33. Time to dump all the packets that are done and package the new kind. The website will be changed yet this morning to reflect the correction. Good thing you guys all know not to listen to me. The note I got this morning says we are discontinuing the Campbell 1327 in 2011 from all catalogs.

Carolyn - any help you can offer in getting correct information out there in the catalog is soooo helpful. Take it easy for a while and we'll hope the injury was minor.

Travis, getting any information around here on the day before Thanksgiving seems to be impossible. I'm guessing it's a cross between a Brandywine and something like Beefmaster. I think they are going for Brandywine flavor in a pretty tomato. It's for those people that think store tomatoes are what all tomatoes are supposed to look like. But remember I'm guessing and you saw how well I did guessing on the Campbell's tomato. Ok, someone called me back. my guessing is pretty good, I just missed the added disease resistance that they also wanted.


travis November 25, 2009 09:59 AM

Travis, getting any information around here on the day before Thanksgiving seems to be impossible. I'm guessing it's a cross between a Brandywine and something like Beefmaster. I think they are going for Brandywine flavor in a pretty tomato. [/quote]

Thanks. I didn't know Beefmaster was potato leaf and came in yellow as well.

jungseed November 25, 2009 01:40 PM

Travis, Beefmaster isn't yellow. I was just guess something like that because of the way they named it. I probably should have come up with a better guess.

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