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Cecilia_MD7a August 5, 2012 02:15 PM

Two weeks until magtag vii!
Yup, it's that time again.

As I mentioned in another post, I'm sorry I haven't been as on-the-ball about everything this year, but after an incredibly busy spring at work, then being laid off, then being thrust into a new job almost immediately, my head is spinning! At least after 6 years of doing this, it's almost automatic. I'm going into the MAGTAG bin in the basement to check out what kinds of supplies we already have. I'll get back to everybody about what we still need. Greg, I assume that your kids are supplying the awards and the tip box again. Is this the case? I found a prize for largest tomato when I was at the dollar store ...

The good news is that I have lots of tomatoes fruiting!

I'll post the directions to SW Area Park again soon.

gflynn August 6, 2012 03:01 PM


The girls are very excited about making the awards. I will tell them to hold off on the largest award since your making it.

Let me know what you find. I could get some of that plastic roll for the tables and some sweet and hot sausages if you like but let me know what meat your hubby plans on bringing because I don't want to bring stuff that isn't necessary. Also I could just bring dogs for the kids with rolls if your husband has the meat covered as he seemed to like to do in the past.


Cecilia_MD7a August 7, 2012 09:11 PM

That's great, Greg - your kids are so creative. Bet they're especially psyched because of the Summer Olympics. I need to figure out what I did with that prize ... either that, or I'll just go back to the dollar store and get another one! Dave the Spousal Unit says he'll dig out the MAGTAG storage bin from the basement this week. We have PLENTY of supplies, although the plastic tablecloth role is definitely something we can use. I can supply some burgers, unless somebody else wants to. Dave will be happy to grill.

gflynn August 11, 2012 10:08 AM


My daughters are doing the prizes today and will do a largest. Don't bother to buy another one.


gflynn August 11, 2012 10:10 AM

We are going to do top 15 again as last year so everyone gets recognition. Alot of my usuals are not doing well so I am not sure I will do as well this year. It would be nice to see more folks get recognition for their contributions.

tnpeppers August 11, 2012 11:18 AM

I have noted that the varieties of tomatoes offered at these public tastings are often indicated by writing directly on the tomato. This is a GREAT way of keeping track of the dozens of different tomatoes I have coming in the door right now. Do folks use a standard Sharpie pen, or are there food-grade markers out there that I am not aware of? I was just concerned about eating a tomato with ink that might not be considered 'food grade'...or am I just being paranoid?

kath August 11, 2012 11:29 AM

[QUOTE=tnpeppers;297851]I have noted that the varieties of tomatoes offered at these public tastings are often indicated by writing directly on the tomato. This is a GREAT way of keeping track of the dozens of different tomatoes I have coming in the door right now. Do folks use a standard Sharpie pen, or are there food-grade markers out there that I am not aware of? I was just concerned about eating a tomato with ink that might not be considered 'food grade'...or am I just being paranoid?[/QUOTE]

An industrial sharpie works better for me than the standard kind, especially if the fruits are at all damp. I mark them near the stem using small initials so that part isn't eaten by anyone...and no, I don't think you're paranoid.


tnpeppers August 11, 2012 11:31 AM

Great advice...thank you! I have somewhere near 100 varieties, and I am having trouble telling some of them apart!

hank August 11, 2012 07:50 PM

You have 100 varieties? I have definitely got to get to know you. Hank

Cecilia_MD7a August 12, 2012 11:51 AM

Does anybody have any extra tomatoes to donate to the BLT bar? If not, I can get some from a local veggie stand ... I know Greg mentioned that his crop isn't as big this year because of the weird weather.

Cecilia_MD7a August 12, 2012 11:52 AM

tnpeppers, if you're coming to MAGTAG and have some unidentified tomatoes, I can use them for the BLT Bar!

gflynn August 13, 2012 11:18 AM


I may have some Toms for you yet for the BLT bar. Also, if your husband is doing the grilling can you PM me his Phone # or email address. I want to cooridinate with him to make sure we arn't buying the same grilling products.


cdbva August 16, 2012 09:56 PM

What about useful stuff to bring -- paper towels, ziploc bags -- any accessories needed?


gflynn August 17, 2012 10:08 AM


Ziploc bags and paper towels are a fine addition and as I remember, once they had no paper products in the bath room so a roll of toilet paper may be prudent.

Thanks for your help!


rsrb August 17, 2012 01:19 PM

I'm new but I can also bring some paper supplies along with food.
Looking forward to learning how you-all managed to achieve harvests this year. Maybe I should bring pictures of my plants and the green baby tomatoes?
Just to reconfirm, we should aim for 10 am arrival?

rsrb August 17, 2012 01:21 PM

MAGTAG again
Um, I just read the line about maybe no paper goods in restrooms?
I will bring some hand sanitizer too. smile.

cdbva August 17, 2012 02:37 PM

I'll pick up ziplocs & paper towels. See everyone tomorrow!


Cecilia_MD7a August 17, 2012 07:25 PM

Yes, around 10 is when it begins, although Greg and I are usually there earlier to set up. BTW, I went to Aldi earlier today .and bought burgers and rolls, and bread and lettuce for the BLT Bar, BUT I FORGOT TO GET CHEESE! Guess I'll have to run out tonight. I also have some items for a grab-bag raffle to benefit Trish's gardening charity. Oh, and Dave bought a Mobtown Brown pie and an apple crisp pie from Dangerously Delicious. I also got some Boca burgers and Boca chicken patties for anybody who's vegetarian/vegan.Of, course, the mayo of choice for the BLT bar will be Duke's full fat southern mayonnaise. But I ain't eating any.

gardener August 18, 2012 08:36 AM

Well I wasn't going to come this year because I had no tomatoes. Went to Europe for 3 weeks, the neighbor was supposed to tend the garden. When I got back, no tomatoes. When I left there were lots of green ones. She said they all split then rotted and I think the deer might have played a role also.

Anyway my bridge team dissolved at the Hunt Valley tournament so I find myself with a prepaid hotel room tonight but no bridge partner.

I do have one hybrid to contribute to the BLT bar and I will contribute heavily $$$ to the kitty and Trudy's charity. Sorry I have no heirlooms to show.

cdbva August 18, 2012 11:36 AM

Drat! My back flared up last night -- I sprained it a couple of months ago -- I was up most of the night and am in no condition to drive. I keep dropping things, too, so the roads deserve to be free of the menace that is me.

I'm so disappointed! I'll miss seeing everyone, and good tomato talk, and meeting Rose for the first time.

I have a cheesecake and a blueberry trifle in the fridge with only two people to deal with them. :?: And a year's supply of ziploc bags in addition to the ones left over from [I]last [/I]year.

Ah well. Have fun, my friends.


hank August 18, 2012 08:26 PM

We missed you Christine. We ate anyway, and had memorable BLTS between the desserts. (This group can eat some desserts) Ceil sang an interesting solo acapello, which I didn't understand, and Greg won a few well deserved rewards. My bucket list includes winning one of those special rewards. Hey Greg, You might have a trophy RooM, but I'm going to have a trophy HOUSE !

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