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shelleybean July 20, 2007 01:29 PM

Fall Garden ALREADY??
Seems strange because I just started picking my late season tomatoes last week, but it's true! My lima beans are just now beginning to flower but it's time to start thinking about the fall garden around here. I'm really enjoying all my summer veggies but I don't want to get too far behind. My spring, summer and fall gardens always overlap to a degree. The SESE planting chart recommends carrots be planted here between July 21 and August 21! I think I'll dig up all these potatoes this weekend and use that space for some of the earlier fall veggies. I never have squash a full season because of the squash vine borer so those plants come out to make room for the cabbage family.

I plan to grow collards, turnips, kale, carrots, beets, chard, spinach, garlic and shallots. In the past, I've always grown cabbage in the fall. I am thinking about moving it to the spring so I only have to get my grow lights out once a year. I've sown it directly but get much better results when I start plants indoors. Same with broccoli.

Anybody else planning their fall/winter garden yet?

duajones July 20, 2007 04:08 PM

Im not growing much this fall but I do have tomato seedlings started for my fall crop

shelleybean July 20, 2007 04:46 PM

I wish I could grow two rounds of tomatoes each year. When we have a summer without much disease and a warm fall, I can still get small, but decent tasting tomatoes into November. I feel lucky to live in a place where I can garden twelve months out of the year and I like all veggies, so I do enjoy a fall/winter garden, too. I love being able to experience all four seasons and enjoying seasonal foods.

Rena July 20, 2007 08:03 PM

I am thinking about it:dizzy: MY tomatoes from Spring I have been giving CPR and they are starting to respond. I dug up volunteer plants and planted them in pots where plants did not make it. I plant collards, turnips, mustard greens, broccoli, cabbage. This year I am going to try potatoes and garlic in the fall. I have never grown a carrot in Georgia but plan on trying again soon:?

shelleybean July 20, 2007 08:17 PM

I have horrible luck with spring grown carrots but in the fall they germinate really quickly and do much better. It's one of the few veggies my son will eat and he's excited about growing them.

Earl July 20, 2007 08:45 PM

Except for tomatoes I'm so late getting other stuff planted it's mostly all going to be a fall crop. :-)

feldon30 July 20, 2007 09:25 PM

I'm getting an opportunity to test germination on many seeds I saved last fall and this spring. Hopefully confirmation that I have correctly fermented or otherwise processed my seeds.

So far, things are looking pretty good. Black Cherry and Jaune Flamme are being shy but I may have planted the seeds too deep or they may not have appreciated the overnight soak in weak tea.

shelleybean July 26, 2007 03:20 PM

I decided to get some grow lights out and started Romanesco broccoli, which has already come up, and Chieftain Savoy cabbage. They won't be moving outside for at least a month. I am holding off on pulling out those potatoes but when I do, I'll plant some carrots and then start worrying about where to put everything else.

Adenn1 July 27, 2007 08:00 AM

I want to get some snap peas, carrots and beets in the ground...but waiting a bit to let weather settle down.

GManess July 30, 2007 06:53 AM

Just started seeds in trays for my fall garden 6 days ago. Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Henderson's Charleston Wakefield Cabbage, Red Acre Cabbage, Georgia Collards, Batavian Full Heart Endive, Russian Red Kale, and Early Purple Vienna Kohlrabi seeds all germinated within 3-4 days. No sign yet of my Upland Cress [I]Barbbarea verna[/I], known in the south as Creasy Greens. I also started 3 varieties of Lettuce in trays last night.
I will probably plant other crops direct in the garden in a week or two ( Wild Arugula, Beets, Carrots, Radishs, Spinich, Swiss Chard, and Turnips). I'm also going to try and sneak a late planting of fingerling Potatoes in before I plant Garlic in October.

shelleybean August 14, 2007 11:48 AM

My fall garden is underway. Inside under lights are Chieftain Savoy cabbage and Romanesco broccoli. Outside I've already planted Oxheart carrot, Paris Market carrot, Giant Noble spinach and Fordhook Giant Swiss chard. Still left to plant are Morris Heading collards, White Egg turnips, Elephant and Music garlic and Southern White shallots. I'm actually on schedule this year! I can't believe it! :shock:

shelleybean September 2, 2007 01:02 PM

We're finally getting some cooler weather now. It's great to get some relief from the heat, especially in the evenings. It would be enjoyable to go out and work in the garden after dinner if not for all those mosquitos!

My carrots, collards, turnips, chard (though it appears to be the wrong seed), and beets are all up. My spinach was up but fried in the sun. Baby cabbages and broccoli plants are out in the garden. I'm still waiting to plant onions, garlic and shallots.

From my summer garden, I still have one Brandywine plant that looks fairly healthy, my butter beans, my pimentos and frying peppers, my okra, and one last eggplant. My summer flowers are looking very tired except for the four o'clocks. It's still way too hot to plant pansies or violas here though. That'll have to wait unti next month or even November.

Any other progress reports on fall/winter gardens?

Adenn1 September 2, 2007 02:32 PM

My snap peas are up...not sure if I will get around to the beets and carrots...

Rena September 3, 2007 06:28 AM

I am working on getting more beds cleaned up so I can get more stuff in. I can really feel the change in the weather in the last few days.

Gimme3 September 5, 2007 01:47 AM

Shellybean...i prefer to get it Done,(mainly cause it takes all i got, time-wise, to do so ) an about Yeah...fall-plantin is goin on here..))) Got some interesting new lettuces anxious to grow, an a cabbage, an several new broccoli cv's, a lot of newbie cv's of various vegetable type.....its a now-born get em underway. Growin thru our so-called Winter, these days....fascinates kinda thankful for the new-found challenges/opportunities.....but i keep wonderin about that now or soon to be...relegated meaningless... Northwest Passage route, and all...that that loss entails. Will revisit an elaborate....wonderin...are u growin a runnin/climbin Lima ? If so...dont give up on em...they are jus fixin to build yield . I this whole site sub-forum...there are no direct cabbage or broccoli threads....strange...aint it ?...))) Here's to hopin Fall/07 an Winter (if we still call it that)...get back to what a regular person might naturally count Best Wishes...)))

shelleybean September 5, 2007 11:31 AM

Thanks, Gimme. Yes, I plan to leave the Willow Leaf plants in the garden until frost. They're so good! They blow the ones from the farm stand away! My plants are still really healthy and starting to flower again.

Adenn1 September 6, 2007 08:40 AM

Went out to water snap peas...and they were gone...eaten to the ground...maybe rabbit or ground hog. Probably too late to plant again...

So much for a fall garden...

shelleybean September 6, 2007 12:20 PM

Oh no, what a bummer about the peas. My spinach plants were just gone too but I think it was the heat rather than a critter. :(

ibadreamer September 22, 2007 05:49 PM

i just turned my soil over with some compost and i will plant some carrots, beats, spinach and lettuce. where do you suggest i buy the seeds? i normally buy whatever they have at home depot. but if i should buy elsewhere let me know. thanks for any info

shelleybean September 22, 2007 05:59 PM

I think that if you're happy with the selection and quality of seeds at HD, keep buying them there. If it aint broke, don't fix it, right? But if you want to look at some less common varieties as well as the usual, two of my favorites are [URL=""][/URL] and [URL=""][/URL] for OP and heirloom seeds.

mdvpc September 22, 2007 09:47 PM

Ibad-You can also order seed for lots of Italian cutting lettuces, etc from Seeds from Italy-


Bill McKay has wonderful seed from Italy of all kinds of wonderful things to grow in the fall garden-very good prices, huge amount of seed and very quick shipping. No, I am not Bill, dont even know him other than ordering from him.

shelleybean September 23, 2007 08:15 AM

After I posted, I rememered I should have mentioned [URL=""][/URL], too. I was already out of the house at that point though. I am really falling in love with this site. For fall, I'm growing Paris Market carrots and Red Verone cabbage from there. I picked up several things for next year, too.

feldon30 September 24, 2007 10:05 AM

They usually have Red-Cored Chantenay carrots and Nantes Half-Long carrots at Home Depot and they are both quite good. They are both short carrots (3-4 inches). Sometimes you can find Golden Beet seeds at Home Depot as well which are nice (tasted at farmer's market) but I got 0% germination last time I tried.

Worth1 September 24, 2007 12:15 PM

"""Sometimes you can find Golden Beet seeds at Home Depot as well which are nice (tasted at farmer's market) but I got 0% germination last time I tried.""""

Wow 0 how old were the seeds?:shock:



shelleybean September 24, 2007 01:35 PM

I've heard several people comment that the Golden Beets have much lower germination than the red. People usually say to sow your seed thicker than you normally would.

feldon30 September 24, 2007 03:25 PM

I've also heard that. I wish I could start them indoors. Maybe if I am REALLY careful...

FlipTX September 29, 2007 12:07 PM

I barely gardened at all this summer, except for watching the sweet potato vines run rampant. But it's finally starting to cool off a bit so I can think about fall gardening. (By "cool off" I mean sometimes our highs drop into the upper 80s. Brr!) I planted some Kilima Leek seeds in a pot today. I've got my potatoes started in containers in the shade.

I'll be sowing some bok choy, scallions, and kale soon. Last spring, Tuscan kale was two bucks at the farmer's market for a tiny little bunch, so I decided I might save myself scads of money if I could successfully grow it. Tuscan kale + mushrooms + roasted potatoes = Mmm.

I planted a few cornfield beans about four weeks ago and they'll be flowering soon. I really liked them this spring and they did very well for me in partial shade. I don't know if I'm going to bother with beets and carrots. I've tried to grow them so many times with ZERO success, even in the fall.

shelleybean September 29, 2007 04:31 PM

I have seed for that Tuscan kale. I wonder if I could squeeze a little in someplace out there. My shallots and garlic arrived today so I'll try to get that planted in the near future. I started more cabbage indoors and that'll be going out soon. The cabbage plants I have out there already are about 16 inches across. My Romanesco broccoli is about 18 inches across. My red bottle onions came up this week. I hope they do well. Carrots, collards, turnips and chard are all doing well, also. I had to seed the carrots several times and just keep watering. It's been so darn dry here. I had to sow collards twice. The little plants dried up when we went camping. So did my beets and chard. I planted more chard but am out of beet seeds. Don't know where I'd squeeze them in now anyway. I still have sweet potatoes, butter beans, peppers and okra out there from summer.

FlipTX September 29, 2007 06:04 PM

Michele, if you decide to replant the beets (or find room for them) I have some seeds for Early Wonder Tall Top I got from Fedco this spring. I'd be happy to send you some since I've about given up on beets. I don't know if it's my climate or what.

shelleybean September 29, 2007 06:22 PM

Thanks, Flip. I'll keep that in mind. Now you've got me thinking about that kale and I want to fit that in too! :dizzy:

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