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lurley June 22, 2011 05:17 PM

Anyone else still holding plants?
Just curious if anyone else around here is still holding plants in pots waiting for the ground to dry out. I'm getting pretty desperate. The few plants I was able to put out early in isolated raised beds (for seed) are doing well and several have fruit. Unfortunately I only had time during the one dry spell we had to get about fifty out of a thousand plants in the ground and the rest are still sitting there looking at me... wondering when it will be their turn. I have never had to plant so late. The latest before this year was in 2002 when I planted at the first of June. My plants are in 4 and 4 1/2 inch pots and many have flowers. I am in zone five and am wondering at what point do I give up this year? There are three mostly cool dry days coming this weekend, but probably lots of rain between now and then so even three days may not be enough to dry things out. Can I plant these plants out in July and still expect a decent harvest? :o Gloom, despair, and agony on me.. deep dark depression and excessive misery...;)

JerryL June 22, 2011 05:32 PM

[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Wow. You are behind. :panic: I got my 32 plants ( a far cry from a thousand) in during the dry spell we had back in May. Most of my plants have fruit much like your raised bed plants. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]If you can get them in soon I think you can expect fruit from the early and mid-season varieties but the lates may be a problem.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]You might also want to ignore the ‘pluck the blossoms when you plant’ theory. The plants might not grow as big but I think you would have a better chance for fruit.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]I’ll pray for dry days. [/SIZE][/FONT]

lurley June 22, 2011 05:50 PM

Thanks Jerry, I think only the Lord himself can intervene at this point, so any and all prayers are appreciated. Most of the varieties I have are beefsteak and heart or paste types so, while I don't have DTM on hand I think many are mid to late. Maybe prayers for dry days AND a late, late, first frost?

Mark0820 June 22, 2011 07:27 PM

I planted mine in May also (Mother's Day weekend).

After a slight chance of rain tonight and tomorrow, the forecast looks pretty dry into next week. I don't know what your soil is like, but you might have a chance to plant this weekend.

If it were me, I would probably plant some of the tomato plants. We are heading into the hottest part of the year, so the plants might grow faster than they typically do in the cool Spring weather. I would think you might get a 1st crop at a minimum and possibly a second crop. We still have about 3 1/2 months before a frost (July, Aug. and Sept. are frost free, and sometimes Oct. is frost free).

Having said that though, I am just speculating because I have never planted this late in the year. I don't think I would plant 1,000 because that would be quite a disappointment if you didn't get any tomatoes.:shock:

kath June 22, 2011 07:45 PM

Hey, Lurley~
Mine are in but the last ones didn't go in until 6/13. Last year I planted some on 6/14 and still had fruits way before the first frost. I'd definitely put them in asap and hope for hot weather and good growth plus a late frost. No blossom plucking. If you have to wait much longer, can you at least give them bigger pots?

lurley June 22, 2011 11:17 PM

No bigger pots left around here right now Kath. I was hoping if it stayed dry tonight I might be able to hit some areas tomorrow but it just started raining (pouring) again. I went out this evening to check on the garden and there was still standing water in some areas, so I'm guessing the ducks will be able to swim in the middle of the garden again tomorrow..ugh. My Paul Robeson in it's four inch pot has a tiny tomato on poor baby.:cry:

Mark0820 June 23, 2011 08:09 AM

In looking at the radar, it appears all of the rain is to the north and east of us. The forecast for the next seven days is dry. Hopefully some areas of your garden will be dry enough to plant this weekend.

Wi-sunflower June 23, 2011 08:14 AM


The last several years we have still been planting tomatoes the beginning of July and we have a shorter season than you. If you can keep the weeds down around those late planted tomatoes, most will still give you at least a few fruit. enough for some seeds at least.

Not ideal I know, but at least not a total waste usually.


kath June 23, 2011 08:42 AM

Guess it's too late if you just got rained on again, but one way I was able to get so many plants in earlier this year, despite all the rain we kept getting, was to cover the next section to be planted with large pieces of plastic until planting time so that the ground underneath remained dry.

lurley June 23, 2011 11:26 AM

Kath, that's a good idea, I do have some large tarps around here for camping. If it looks like rain again I think I'll start covering some areas.:yes:

Carol, that is good news to my ears. Last year the drought was bad around here, but I still had plenty to can for the family for the year just because of the sheer amount of plants I had last year, 400. Maybe the fact that I have 1000 plants this year,( 3 each of most of the varieties I started myself), will be a saving grace for me. 4-6 fruits off of each plant would be enough to supply the family for the year and give me a small seed crop. Those that I could not find commercial seed sources for this year were the first ones I planted out, so while they look a little water logged and droopy right now they should at least produce a crop of seeds for future years. Planting for a seed crop was new to me this year, and while I had great dreams, I don't mind postponing the dream another year, as long as I get enough of a crop to help feed the family. We use tons of tomato products to feed our large family throughout the year and the idea of not having any, and having to buy tomato products from the store makes me cringe./puke

Mark0820 June 27, 2011 07:00 PM


Were you able to plant any tomato plants over the weekend? The forecast I was looking at last week was way off base. The rain just kept coming.

You might not be missing out all that much by planting late. With all this rain, my plants have been dropping blossoms like crazy. I thought I was going to have a large harvest this year, but now it isn't looking so good. :no: I hope the rain stops soon.

lurley June 28, 2011 09:11 AM

Yes, Sunday and my trooper hubby stayed home from work on Monday to help get more in since rain coming again last night. the ones already in the ground before are struggling from the rain more but those held in the pots have yellow leaves with brown spots on all the lower foliage and are still purplish from the recent cold. I did see a few aphids as I was planting them which I squished. I hope they are not diseased... I am removing the bad foliage as I plant them, leaving only the uppermost healthiest looking leaves, kinda looks like I've planted a bunch of green sticks right now. about one third done, if weather holds might finish by this weekend and then I will fertilize with foliar spray and spray for disease and insects to give them a fighting chance... And pray.

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lurley June 28, 2011 09:19 AM

Also was reading farm paper last night saying Ohio farmers have only had fourteen days suitable for field work since April 1 st..... Yep, seems about right.

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Mark0820 June 28, 2011 09:54 AM

Glad to hear you were able to plant. Hopefully you will get the rest planted this week.

lurley June 29, 2011 12:20 AM

Got another 140 in the ground today. They do have early blight(from rain, rain, and more rain) so it is good I am removing the affected foliage and will be spraying with a fungicide soon. Just need to figure out if I should use the Spectracide Immunox I have or go get some Daconil. The Spectracide says it wont be washed off by rain but I have to check the label to see how often it can be used and how persistent it is. I never have to spray my tomatoes, hardly ever even fertilize them, but this year seems to be exception. I hate to go chemical but I'd hate even more not having a crop my family depends on. I've never planted this late before so I'm not sure what to expect but I'll fight the good fight and see what comes of it.

KLorentz June 29, 2011 12:38 PM

Lurley I have a similar situation brewing.but not due to rain.We have a forced move and have to be out by the 22nd of July. Some stuff was already in the garden and growing.One variety of mater blooming.So I gotta transplant what is in the soon to be former garden and have the plants planted in another location.Add to that I have plants that did not get planted still in peat pots.Lets pray we have some harvesting we can enjoy.I was gonna save seed too.


lurley June 29, 2011 05:28 PM

Kevin, I know you are going through a hard time right now, and having to move your garden is an added difficulty I wouldn't wish on anyone. If I do get a seed crop this year you are welcome to any of them. I will send you a list of any I get and you can pick any and all you like ( assuming I have some). At least that will give you something to look forward to for next year for a new season at your new place.:)

KLorentz June 29, 2011 07:02 PM

[QUOTE=lurley;221156]Kevin, I know you are going through a hard time right now, and having to move your garden is an added difficulty I wouldn't wish on anyone. If I do get a seed crop this year you are welcome to any of them. I will send you a list of any I get and you can pick any and all you like ( assuming I have some). At least that will give you something to look forward to for next year for a new season at your new place.:)[/QUOTE]

Thank you for kind offer.will look forward to it.Good luck.


lurley July 2, 2011 10:34 AM

Only 150 left to go, but it is raining today. I already sprayed those that I have planted with fungicide, so will spray again after the rain. I don't mind the rain today because I was planning on watering those already planted today if it didn't rain, although I would've probably hit it with a little fertilizer too, I guess that can wait a little while. All those still in pots waiting have already had infected foliage removed and been sprayed for fungus also so hopefully the rain can't cause too much more spreading of disease. I ordered some EXCEL to try that should be here early next week, if that doesn't work I've got some Daconil concentrate coming also.

kath July 2, 2011 12:32 PM

Sheesh, Lurley...can't believe you're still planting and it's still raining where you are!:shock: Really hope you're able to wrap it up soon and that the fungicides hold things at bay so you can get a decent return for all your worry and hard work.

mtbigfish July 2, 2011 01:43 PM

I moved back here to Chillicothe Ohio last July 2010 and never got my 150 plants in pots into the ground - had some trial CHERRY tomatoes in hanging baskets and that's all I brougt w me - left about the same in the ground in Calif - turned over my seedling tom and peppers to a friend to sell to some of my nursery customers

this year I started late on my seedlings (running business) so little time and only started 500-750 - couldn't find promix bx or promix pg so had to use jiffy NK and some other brand of seedling starter mix - can't buy anything in bulk - had some damping off(1st time in 50+ yrs of growing) and worst germination EVER - had to search out and find some groers of heirlomms to get plants that I could plant - then a month of rain and muddy clay - had some of my own 10,15, and 20 gal hort pots and begged and borrowed other so I have about 75 plants is all - my babies just ready to pot up so will only be planting he 55 day stuff - and a few others to see how they grow here - may not see fruit on them unless late frost or low enough for frost blankets - still trying o find people with plants to get rid of - have had to go deep with a few leggy ones already - found metro mix 360 so should have better luck potting up - got my 1/2 gal of omri approved endo and ecto microbes 20 plus var of each and watered in to new plants - thet have been in the ground 2 wks(a couple 4) - cut off all of the first two sets of flowers and stripped up to last 2 sets of braches before planting - better roots system and now getting 3rd set of flowers and some started to set - yeh will have some to eat - some 2" across now

Mark0820 July 2, 2011 02:22 PM

Sounds like you are making good progess Lurley. If you are just 150 plants short of 1,000, that is pretty good. With that many plants, you should be able to get a fairly decent crop of tomatoes this year.

lurley July 5, 2011 01:05 PM

:dance:Yay! Got the last three dozen plants into the ground this morning! DH was very happy to be able to go back to work today after his long weekend:lol:. I sprayed with some MG yesterday, followed by a second round of fungicide due to the rain two days ago, and made visual inspection of the troops. It looks like zebra cherry and big zebra didn't make it.(I think they drowned in all the rain and couldn't recover or EB finished them off) Is anyone else growing these this year that can bring them to the taste fest for me to try? Now we will start the staking and the weaving...and catch up on the weeds that have been trying to consume the corn and beans while I have been busy planting tomatoes.

kath July 5, 2011 04:31 PM

Congratulations, Lurley! I'm happy to hear that monumental task is completed.:)

tam91 July 5, 2011 06:58 PM

Wow that sounded like a lot of work - I can't imagine. Congratulations!

beatpoet July 5, 2011 11:04 PM

Glad you finally got everything planted. Hope things fare well despite the late start.

lurley July 25, 2011 11:50 PM

I didn't pinch the blossoms off but. most fell off after planting from eb anyway. I have lost about 25 plants, but most are now growing well and flowering but are only about 3 feet high (although some were buried as much as 18 in deep) Many are late large beefsteak types so I keep working, hoping first frost will be late and I will have a harvest this year... Come on tomatoes!

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delltraveller July 26, 2011 12:40 AM

I had someone ask me for plants on July 1st:shock:, and I did still happen to have a few:shock:, and, luckily, most with shorter DTMs!:?:

Couldn't bear to just throw 'em away.....:oops: okay, maybe, even now, I still have a couple left, you know, just in case.....:spin:

Mark0820 July 26, 2011 09:59 AM

Three feet isn't too bad given that you just finished planting a couple weeks ago. If it stays as hot as it has been, I'm thinking you might have a few tomatoes late Aug./early Sept.

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