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Worth1 October 7, 2014 11:44 AM

Crape Murder.
I found this interesting article about Crape Murder.
Every year I see this going on and for years I never could figure our why people did it.
They either chop them off at the ground or they cut them off a few feet up as soon as they get to looking good.
Here are a few pictures of Crape murder.
What a horrible thing to do to a tree.:cry:



Darren Abbey October 7, 2014 12:20 PM

In my youth in the South, the family house had a crepe myrtle in the back yard which had been allowed to mature un-accosted. It had grown into a wonderful 25ft tree with three main trunks. Every year it flowered wonderfully. It did take periodic trimming of the "water-sprouts" that persistently came up at the base. I always wondered by people would force the trees to only grow as shrubs by the heavy pruning methods.

Labradors2 October 7, 2014 12:26 PM

I can tell you about that.

As a trainee Master Gardener in NC, our group was lectured about this crime early on in our course, that and Volcano Mulching (around trees).

People commit Crepe Murder because they see others doing it, which is very sad because Crepe Myrtles look lovely when left alone. There really is no excuse these days, because Crepe Myrtles now come in dwarf varieties, so it is silly to plant what becomes a 25' tree in the wrong spot and to keep hacking at it because it becomes too tall.

What I later learned on a visit to a beautiful old garden in Roanoke, NC was that, in the old days, when people needed kindling to start their fires, they would go and harvest some of the skinny sticks from the Crepe Myrtle trees, and that is how this crime began!


Worth1 October 7, 2014 12:53 PM

Crape Myrtles are a little over done here in my area but what the who.
Who could ask for a better tree.
The things are like a cactus and will live just fine without any extra wateing once established.

The two I planted last year in the front yard are semi dwarfs (Black Diamond Best Red) that will only get 10 to 12 feet tall and around 8 feet wide.
Each has 3 to 4 sprouts coming up from the soil.

They will stay that way.:lol:


feldon30 October 7, 2014 01:52 PM

The irony is, it takes little to no experience at tree pruning to properly prune a Crape Myrtle to look great. Just trim the branches at different locations at attractive angles.

gssgarden October 7, 2014 11:20 PM

In my personal opinion, any landscape maintenance firm involved in this practice should be immediately fired! They are wasting your time and money and obviously don’t care what’s best for your plants or your landscape. If they took the time to educate themselves through seminars and reading, they would earn your money through more horticulturally sound practices.


That's such a b.s. statement!

kurt October 8, 2014 08:46 AM

In the village where I have another home called Cutler Bay they have pruning ordinances enacted(Miami Dade County ).All the homes that have a swale of 5ft past the sidewalks have to maintain owner sown and or county planted trees.Most are Live/Red Oaks,a smattering of Palms,Poincianas,Mahoghanys,Jacurandas etc.The rule of thumb is no more than 2/3 thirds and no "top hatting"at all.They will fine you if you violate,they have County employed Arborists that also do building inspections(landscape,tree planting etc.)

Labradors2 October 8, 2014 08:57 AM

Landscapers in our area LOVE to murder the Crepes. It's a nice easy job, and money for them. When I talked to one of them about it, he agreed that it's bad practice, but claims his clients "request" it. They are people who have moved from the north and don't have a clue about southern species so they just copy what the neighbours do - sigh!


Worth1 October 8, 2014 09:27 AM

I have two loquats a Mexican bird of paradise and a arroyo sweetwood that are going through tree training.
Going for the big lollipop look with the loquats with one trunk coming out of the ground.:lol:
These things continually keep me pruning suckers.

I bend and prune the young branches to where I want them to grow.

As far as a tree surgeon/arborist, I haven't seen one in years.
What we have are young guys from south of the border that come in and butcher trees.
A friend of mines neighbor had some huge pecan trees pruned.
They literally cut every limb back to a stump like the pictures you see in this thread.:shock:
A person would have to know what to do with a tree be home when they showed up and point at everything they wanted cut.
If you couldn't do the work yourself and called someone to prune your crape myrtle I can guarantee you they would murder the thing.
I have seen it too may times.


newgardener_tx October 8, 2014 10:15 AM

Ha, Glad to see your post. I was planning to do the pruning this winter just because all the crape trees were pruned in the way in your pics in my neighborhood! I don't know why. I have the tendency just to be a copycat. I have a purple tree and pink tree. They are beautiful and care-free.

Worth1 October 8, 2014 10:35 AM

[QUOTE=newgardener_tx;434180]Ha, Glad to see your post. I was planning to do the pruning this winter just because all the crape trees were pruned in the way in your pics in my neighborhood! I don't know why. I have the tendency just to be a copycat. I have a purple tree and pink tree. They are beautiful and care-free.[/QUOTE]

Your welcome.
If you didn't know it an oleander and a pomegranate can be pruned so they can be a tree also.

Just keep cutting off the suckers and leave one to two trunks growing.
After the canopy gets to the desired height you can keep it pruned this way.
They dont have to be an unruly bush with many suckers as we all see.

ChrisK October 8, 2014 02:03 PM

Some of those pictures look like an attempt to pollard them which is a legitimate style. Now, not sure if Crape Myrtle is a good species to do this with though.

Worth1 October 8, 2014 02:59 PM

[QUOTE=ChrisK;434203]Some of those pictures look like an attempt to pollard them which is a legitimate style. Now, not sure if Crape Myrtle is a good species to do this with though.[/QUOTE]

I would think it depended on when you started the process there a few examples of it done right in the photos.

Waiting too long and cutting too big of a branch is not the way to go with pollarding as I just read.

It seems the practice started so people could get firewood but not cut the tree down.

I still wouldn't do it.


FILMNET October 9, 2014 08:03 AM

Grumpy Gardener
Worth, I found your lost brother, this guy is so funny like you are! So nice to read both of you.
enjoy and do look a his great funny post

Worth1 October 9, 2014 09:19 AM

[QUOTE=FILMNET;434257]Worth, I found your lost brother, this guy is so funny like you are! So nice to read both of you.
enjoy and do look a his great funny post

The posts go on forever. :))

The poor poor trees.:(


FILMNET October 9, 2014 09:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)
He write's a post ever month for the Southern living magazine, i love his shots like this one.

gssgarden October 9, 2014 09:10 PM

That guy has too much time on his hands!


FILMNET October 10, 2014 07:31 AM

[QUOTE=gssgarden;434306]That guy has too much time on his hands!


These are posts for over many years, he writes for many newsapers and magazine around south. Down here everyone looks at each o there's homes all year and no snow.

feldon30 October 10, 2014 08:47 AM

[QUOTE=Worth1;434174]A friend of mines neighbor had some huge pecan trees pruned.

They literally cut every limb back to a stump like the pictures you see in this thread.:shock:[/QUOTE]
I guess he didn't want any pecans? But then again, who cooks these days? People just go to Mickey D's and wouldn't know home cooking if it bit them in the butt.

Worth1 October 10, 2014 09:51 AM

[QUOTE=feldon30;434325]I guess he didn't want any pecans? But then again, who cooks these days? People just go to Mickey D's and wouldn't know home cooking if it bit them in the butt.[/QUOTE]
So true.

The trouble with these huge trees is it takes generations of people to care for them.
The tree doesn't always get a good caretaker. :(


Tracydr October 10, 2014 02:36 PM

I hate when the palm trimmers in AZ cut all the palm branches off big palm trees, leaving only one tiny bit of green on the top. I also hate when they make mounds or squares with the beautiful texas sage, removing all hope of flowers. They also give all the bunch grasses flat tops and skin heads.

Tracydr October 10, 2014 02:39 PM

[QUOTE=feldon30;434325]I guess he didn't want any pecans? But then again, who cooks these days? People just go to Mickey D's and wouldn't know home cooking if it bit them in the butt.[/QUOTE]

I know people afraid to eat nuts that fall from a pecan, walnut or hickory tree. Probably the same people who buy those chickens that are grown without bones or skin.
I also know people who won't eat a fresh egg from chickens because "you know where they come from", or, because it's been fertilized, yet they will spend all sorts of money buying pseudo-pastured eggs from the store.

Tomato Beth October 13, 2014 04:31 PM

This thread title kills me! :D

The bunnies and the harsh winter in southern PA pruned my baby crape myrtle for me--all the way to the ground. I was surprised when it survived and actually bloomed.

Vespertino October 19, 2014 05:20 PM

Ahh yes, crepe murder. Everyone in my neighborhood deadheads them, disgusting! I used the subject as a test (the first of three tests) to filter out a good company to trim my trees. I have 5 large crepe myrtles in the front along with other trees. I lucked out, the first person to give me an estimate passed the crepe myrtle test, didn't try to up-sell me on crap I didn't need and he turned out to be the arborist caring for some beautiful trees across the street that I admire every day. Hired!

Worth1 October 20, 2014 10:08 AM

My town doesn't butcher ours either.
I say ours because they belong to the people and taken care of by our city.
They have done a great job beautifying our town but yet some people still complain about it.
One politician came by complaining about the wast of money.
I asked him what did he want the money to go to.
I asked him if he would prefer the place to be run down.

I just proves no matter what you do you just can't win.
The guy didn't get elected he wasn't even a Texan.:evil:


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