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Hillhunter4 July 12, 2019 05:58 PM

Red Ripper Cowpea and Heirloom Lima Bean
4 Attachment(s)
I received RED Ripper seed from an elderly man in our community. He had grew them his entire life. He told me who he had received them from but regrettably, I did not record that information before he passed. I also have heirloom lima been seed received from a coworker. He stated that they have been in his family for 100 years. When I received the seeds they were 2 distinct varieties mixed. One is solid white and when cooked turns green. The other is off white with purple eye and when cooked turns grey. I have grown the mixed and separated. peas and limas are rampant runners and produce until frost. Planted July 4th and pictures taken July 8th.

PhilaGardener July 12, 2019 06:29 PM

Excellent to keep these growing in the community! Looking forward to updates on their progress!

Worth1 July 13, 2019 05:53 AM

Looks great and so does the wonderful bamboo too.

Hillhunter4 July 13, 2019 08:55 AM

I don’t think the red ripper is a unique strain, but I keep them going because I know these seed originated from several generations in this area. The Lima’s I have no idea. I have not been able to identify the varieties.
I am blessed to have a 2 acre bamboo thicker behind my parents house.

Whwoz July 13, 2019 10:00 AM

Looking good and love that bamboo set up. don't know that I would want that thicket though

GoDawgs July 13, 2019 05:42 PM

I've been growing Red Ripper for four years now and love them. Those big pods are easy to shell and produce a lot. And I love that trellis too! Red Rippers sure are the rambunctious sort. I just pulled out the corn stalks today and Rippers will go in there next week.

Are those limas climbers? I just started growing Alabama Blackeye Butterbean (a climber) last spring and they pretty much match your description of "The other is off white with purple eye and when cooked turns grey".

Hillhunter4 July 14, 2019 01:28 PM

Godawgs the Lima’s are climbers. When I reaserched I saw reference of Alabama Blackeye Butterbean. I agree they closely match description, so that maybe what they are. Maybe we can compare

Tracydr July 15, 2019 06:18 AM

I just love your trellis. Did you do anything to keep the bamboo from rooting in the ground? How did you get it in the ground? Did you dig a hole or pound it in? Sharpen the ends first? I have heard going in narrow side first helps,too. I have a bunch that I cut recently and I’m thinking about doing some trellises just like this.
We have a small bamboo thicket. It blocks road noise and gives us privacy,I think it also gives the garden some protection from pesticides as the other side of the road is a huge crop field that gets planted in a rotation of cotton,peanuts,soybeans and corn.
I love the bamboo. It’s beautiful and exotic,very fun to explore and harvest for projects,I feel like a Special Forces woman in my camouflage clothes with my machete and folding saw when I go out to cut it. I also harvest sprouts to eat sometimes,delicious.
If it spreads too far my husband just mows it down with the disc mower.
I’m actually considering planting another patch of it in another spot where I need privacy and using either black bamboo or some other large type used for building things. I do believe bamboo may be the future of the world. What other plant is delicious, and can be made into fiber,houses,boats,other construction, store carbon ,beautify a garden, provide habitat and food for wildlife and be quickly renewed?

PhilaGardener July 15, 2019 08:00 AM

[QUOTE=Tracydr;741395]food for wildlife[/QUOTE]

You've got pandas? :twisted:

Hillhunter4 July 15, 2019 10:02 AM

Tracydr I have never had bamboo root when used in garden. I cut and put in Bamboo same day without any problems. For the upright post I dig holes with posthole digger approximately 18” and tamp post in really good. I have a hard pan about 10” deep so driving I is not an option. They have to be really secure because when beans and peas cover trellis it is like a big wind sail. This is the easiest cleanup I have found. At end of season cut strings at top and all vines fall to ground. Take up and compost or burn. Frame can be used for a few years. For tomato sticks I drive a small pipe into the ground to make a hole and the stick bamboo in and press soil around stake with foot.

Tracydr July 15, 2019 07:05 PM

[QUOTE=PhilaGardener;741403]You've got pandas? :twisted:[/QUOTE]

I wish,those cubs are darling.
Do goats count as wildlife? They love the bamboo leaves. They help me out by stripping the branches of leaves before I take the branches off.

Tracydr July 15, 2019 07:14 PM

[QUOTE=Hillhunter4;741411]Tracydr I have never had bamboo root when used in garden. I cut and put in Bamboo same day without any problems. For the upright post I dig holes with posthole digger approximately 18” and tamp post in really good. I have a hard pan about 10” deep so driving I is not an option. They have to be really secure because when beans and peas cover trellis it is like a big wind sail. This is the easiest cleanup I have found. At end of season cut strings at top and all vines fall to ground. Take up and compost or burn. Frame can be used for a few years. For tomato sticks I drive a small pipe into the ground to make a hole and the stick bamboo in and press soil around stake with foot.[/QUOTE]

Good to know. I haven’t issue either,I’ve heard warnings about it.
I was shocked that mine held up to Hurricane Matthew. I wasn’t using them last year during Florence but that could have been a different story,much stronger winds in line with my garden.
This winter I hope to cut and put together some more bamboo structures,I just love the way they look in my garden. Trellises,cages,etc.
I also plan to make a bunch of bee houses this winter, watched a video the other day about how to make them ,super easy with small amounts of bamboo.
Now I’m going to go on eBay and find a couple of panda bear cubs to buy from China.

Hillhunter4 July 16, 2019 08:58 AM

Cows love the leaves also. I would not plant bamboo on my property, but since my parents have a huge patch that established unintentionally we make good use of them. I told my wife after we built the last trellis that it was going to look silly if the peas and beans only got knee high. Good luck with the Panda Cubs. There may be some laws involved there.:))

GoDawgs July 17, 2019 12:23 PM

I really like that trellis! There are lots of wild bamboo thickets around here but they don't grow as big around as what you have for the uprights. Maybe I could use t-posts with an extension pole tied to them for use with the butterbeans. This is how I rigged it this year for them:


That's two lengths of field fence mounted one on top of the other. I'd have to think about which would be easier to put up. Those butterbean vines get really heavy.


Thinking out loud... I'm going to plant four 18' rows of Rippers. As a test, one row could be supported somewhat like the butterbeans, using different fencing I use for peas. Another row could be a modified, shorter version of what you have but using t-posts for the uprights and some 1x1's I have for the horizontals. Or maybe cut some of the local bamboo for the horizontals. Gotta think more on this.

Hillhunter4 July 17, 2019 02:49 PM

The horizontal pieces are 14’ and the vertical are 10’. They are substantial and I know some varieties doesn’t get this big. This has Proven to be the best setup for strength and ease of clean up. Cut all the twine and the vines fall down, or cut the horizontal pieces loose and slide out the end. Another good method is plant 2 rows about two ft apart. Put down a post on each end and centered between rows and stretch string between post. stick base of bamboo next to plants and lean against string. Attach poles at top.

Tracydr July 17, 2019 10:14 PM

I’m going to try making a 28 foot one in the garden just like this this weekend,love yours!

Hillhunter4 July 22, 2019 05:39 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Update on the progress. Pictures taken on 7-21. Should see some runners starting this coming week. Ignore the grass as we have had several downpours the last week. Weekend before we received 2 days of rain, 3" to 5", from Tropical Storm Barry. This past Saturday we received at least 5" of rain from a thunderstorm. Temps have been cooler though. Added a picture of some Cowhorn Okra that is growing nicely.

Worth1 July 22, 2019 05:50 PM

Really looks fantastic.:yes::yes::yes:

GoDawgs July 27, 2019 05:09 PM

Okay, they say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. My imitation of your trellis is a far cry from how pretty yours is but I just wanted to see how good it was at keeping a row of peas from going everywhere! I hope so because just on the other side of the trellis the Lady Finger peas are wanting to reach out and touch everything!


I made mine from t-posts, poles and baling twine because that's what I had. I hope the baling twine isn't too slick for them to grab on to. Unfortunately the row is 18' long and the poles were only 8' long so I had to connect them in the middle with a short third piece. :lol:

These are the four rows of Red Rippers that just popped up. We’re in a dry spell again and I had to keep them damp until they sprouted. They’re planted in the same rows the corn was because it got dug up when I removed the corn stalks. Just to make sure it was loose deeper down I took the broadfork to each row before planting. The rows are about 4.5' apart as that's what the spacing was on center for those double rows of corn. More room for peas to run and hopefully a little room to for walking and picking! 8-)



Tracydr July 28, 2019 07:17 AM

[QUOTE=Hillhunter4;741492]Cows love the leaves also. I would not plant bamboo on my property, but since my parents have a huge patch that established unintentionally we make good use of them. I told my wife after we built the last trellis that it was going to look silly if the peas and beans only got knee high. Good luck with the Panda Cubs. There may be some laws involved there.:))[/QUOTE]

I’ve decided I need to put up a couple of signs on the edge of my bamboo forest:
“Don’t feed the pandas” and “The Panda Forest”

PhilaGardener July 29, 2019 06:37 AM

Sounds like Pandamonium is breaking out all over! :lol:

Hillhunter4 July 29, 2019 11:03 AM

Godawgs, Trellis looks great. How do you post pictures inside the body of message?

Hillhunter4 July 29, 2019 11:26 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Update from 7-28. Seeing some insect damage and disease. I have added mulch to the Lima's. This will be the first time mulching vegetables, so we will see if it helps.
Okra is really growing and should be blooming soon.


Peas and Lima's are just now starting to run.

Hillhunter4 August 14, 2019 02:19 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Update, Pictures from 8-12-19. 2 weeks of growth with plenty of rainfall and there is a drastic difference. The beans and peas have went straight to the top of the eight foot arbor and should now start branching out. Have harvested a few pods of Okra, but I feel that it should be producing lots more. We will see if it increases.

GoDawgs August 14, 2019 06:04 PM

[QUOTE=Hillhunter4;742601]Update from 7-28. Seeing some insect damage and disease. I have added mulch to the Lima's. This will be the first time mulching vegetables, so we will see if it helps.
Okra is really growing and should be blooming soon.


Peas and Lima's are just now starting to run.[/QUOTE]

Pretty stuff, Hill! Good job. My Rippers are about 15" tall and about ready to start running.

Hillhunter4 September 16, 2019 05:21 PM

4 Attachment(s)
I have been delayed on posting an update. Harvesting Peas and Okra. Butterbeans are just now setting pods. Pictures are from 9-8-19.

Ken B September 18, 2019 12:59 PM


A note on Big Red Ripper = even though several different seed companies carry it, there's a lot of different strains available, and it may be that yours is better for your area than one you'd get from a seed company!

(We carry Big Red Ripper ourselves, and though I think that the strain that we have is a good one with nice big seeds, I've had a few old-timers tell me, "Wait, you call *that* Big Red Ripper? Are you sure? That's not as good as the one *we* grew when I was a kid, *ours* had bigger seeds, " etc... and I've always wondered how much that's someone's memory having exaggerated how good their family's seed was, and how much it might be that maybe they *did* have an ever better strain of it...)

GoDawgs September 18, 2019 02:18 PM

I got my initial Big Red Ripper from SESE at least four years ago and have been saving the seed ever since. Big pods with large seeds and I love 'em. They get planted in the corn rows once the stalks are pulled since the peas thrive in heat. The perfect summer crop for here.

This year the vines are going nuts. It may be due to cooler and happier roots since I mulched them this year. Maybe because of leftover nitrogen in the soil from the corn. Regardless, when I checked them this morning and saw baby pods forming, it was "Hmmmm...." when I thought about how I'm going to get in there to pick when the time comes. :shock:


Hillhunter4 September 18, 2019 05:02 PM

Ken B, Im sure there are several different strains grown regionally. I purchased some from a feed store and they were not nearly as big as mine.
GoDawgs, that's a good looking pea patch. Im sure you will make a way to get to them because they are too good to not.

Nan_PA_6b September 19, 2019 10:20 AM

GoDawgs, you lucky duck, you have HORSES!

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