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Father'sDaughter August 8, 2017 01:50 PM

[QUOTE=Locomatto;659219]I had the pleasure of trying Santa Maria this year, and found it frustrating and amazing in equal measure; amazing because the tomatoes were lights-out good ... frustrating because it's so hard to get seeds from it.[/QUOTE]

Santa Maria is a regular in my garden. It's always among the earliest to produce, and even with soil disease it was often one of the last plants standing.

Gerardo August 8, 2017 03:43 PM

[QUOTE=charline;658994]I dont know. I got the seeds from Tormato in the swap.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Tormato;659054]You got the seed (1, :?:) in the swap. Yes, it's Pink Princess (gene pool) from Fedco.

Have you saved ANY seeds, yet?:?::?:


[QUOTE=charline;659168]Yes, sure I have...;)[/QUOTE]

It's a great Honeydrop cousin with nice subtle flavors. Quite productive.

bjbebs August 8, 2017 08:46 PM

The 4 best tasting tomatoes for me year in and year out have been Br. Suddeth, Earl's Faux, Chapman and Captain Lucky. They again are top notch in taste and production. They now have some stiff competition. Elgin Pink is beyond good. The one plant is not a great producer but what a taste.
Every year about this time the groundhogs hone in on the tomatoes. I think there is only one juvenile. I've never had one take a liking to only one variety, but this critter has and its Elgin Pink. He will start on a tomato and come back to finish it later. I will eventually take care of him but can't he try another brand.

Worth1 August 8, 2017 08:56 PM

I wish I had groundhogs they are such good eating.


Nan_PA_6b August 10, 2017 12:39 AM

Good surprises:
1. Sungold is the best tomato ever- new to me this year.
2. Hardin's Miniature has great taste and is a prolific micro.
3. Post Office Spoonful is early, tasty and has some tolerance to Septoria.
4. Anna Maria's Heart surprisingly produced 7 tasty toms while so badly diseased there was almost no foliage left. (I left diseased leaves on the plant if they still had any green on them so there'd be something to feed the fruit.)


Spartanburg123 August 10, 2017 12:49 AM

Our hit this year is Terhune- what a wonderful tomato and fantastic flavor! Dotson's Lebanese Heart (the CORRECT naming) has also proven to be very productive, with the size and taste of Omar's Lebanese, but a much prettier shape. Rebel Yell was also wonderful, but Terhune is coming back next year for sure!

cecilsgarden1958 August 10, 2017 01:37 AM

I am stuck in a weird growing year. Everyone around here is having a shortage of ripe tomatoes. However, my best looking and productive plants seems to be Big Daddy. Early blight has been a real bear this year. Geez. Must be the humidity. Big beef is succumbing to it the most, with the exception of Carolina Gold which has expired. Big Daddy and Ruby Monster are the healthiest slicers and Black Cherry is fairly healthy and productive. German Queen is most healthy but not producing much.
UPDATE: Got to spend extra time in tomatoes today. German Queen is actually producing very well and Chef's Choice Pink is just as healthy as German Queen, which is also a PL plant.

ChiliPeppa August 10, 2017 12:23 PM

Best new tomatoes for me this year are GGWT and Margaret Curtain. But between high temps and ground squirrels I didn't taste but a few.

JosephineRose August 10, 2017 04:26 PM

[QUOTE=ChiliPeppa;659493]Best new tomatoes for me this year are GGWT and Margaret Curtain. [/QUOTE]

Same two for me as well. Both new to my garden this year and they've been outstanding.

Barbee August 10, 2017 04:47 PM

[QUOTE=charline;658836]My favorite new variety cherry is Pink Princess. Flavor to die for.... very complex. EVERYONE loves it.[/QUOTE]

I hear you! Im not a fan of the cherry tomatoes but this is on my grow list every year now

MissS August 10, 2017 05:47 PM

[QUOTE=Barbee;659563]I hear you! Im not a fan of the cherry tomatoes but this is on my grow list every year now[/QUOTE]

Please save seeds to share. :)

Worth1 August 10, 2017 07:00 PM

I have been reluctant to post anything serous on this thread BUT.
IF you haven had mortgage lifter it is is real must to try.
The (((((Pink)))))) I have been always looking for.

Spartanburg123 August 10, 2017 09:18 PM

[QUOTE=Worth1;659584]I have been reluctant to post anything serous on this thread BUT.
IF you haven had mortgage lifter it is is real must to try.
The (((((Pink)))))) I have been always looking for.[/QUOTE]

I'm trying that one next year, Worth. I hear ya :yes:

tryno12 August 11, 2017 12:24 AM

I'm new to this but: Beauty King, Tennessee Suited both dwarfs pump out a lot of fruit and taste darn good. Cherokee Purple, Dana's Dusky Rose, Olive Hill, and Barlow's Best Black are some of the best Tom's I have ever tasted The Reverend Micheal Keyes cherry is very good - just gotta not eat too many - darn skins!
But what do I know - I am new to this:dizzy:

Never seen a dwarf produce because never grew them:D And not sure if the love for the dark/purples is just infatuation:?!?: but like the old Brandywine can't beat the favor:?!?:

oakley August 11, 2017 01:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Still early for me to really add...

But at the moment, Dan 'DeFollettes' multiflora is a fantastic mix in flavor of SunGold
and ChocCherry. I've been picking 2-3 dozen a day off of 6-7 plants. For a couple weeks
now. (I have SunGold and ChocCherry now to compare)
They did get a head start by Winter growing...micro hunting. I let them cascade on
the deck bench just outside the kitchen. If I staked them, they would be about 3ft.
I have five F5's growing now, micros, 6-8inch, no staking needed...

(saving seeds of the 3ft multiflora)...and the micro of course.

The other surprise is FriedGreen. If you like to cook and always searching for more ways
to use your harvest....this one is a great addition to the recipe creators kitchen.(I don't use recipes but like to find different ways to use produce). A fun one and crispy firm,

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